311-320 of 605 results

Proposed mandatory access code for Australia's wheat export terminals
Insight 06 Jun 2014

The Federal Government has released a draft mandatory port access code of conduct that would apply to all Australian bulk wheat export port terminals If implemented the code would replace the existing regulatory framework and the access undertakings approved by the ACCC for terminals operated by the ...

More (good) Queensland property law changes (inc. up to 20% deposits!!)
Insight 04 Jun 2014

Further amendments to existing property legislation that aims to streamline the sale of property particularly in respect of the sale of off-the-plan lots have been introduced into the Queensland Parliament These amendments will be of substantial benefit to developers Partner Alister Fitzgerald ...

Greater flexibility for onshore petroleum tenure holders in Queensland
Insight 03 Jun 2014

Queenslands petroleum legislation was recently amended to provide greater flexibility to onshore petroleum tenure holders for a variety of matters including extensions to work programs and terms of authorities to prospect relinquishment conditions and work programs and greater flexibility in both ...

PNG's ownership of minerals and hydrocarbons
Insight 29 Apr 2014

The Papua New Guinea Constitution will be amended to reflect the states ownership of hydrocarbons and minerals under proposals to be put before the PNG Parliament Partner Vaughan Mills and Senior Associate Sarah Kuman report on the implications of these amendments ...

Warkworth mine - another victim of over-regulation
Insight 29 Apr 2014

The NSW Court of Appeal has upheld the Land and Environment Courts refusal of the proposed Warkworth mine expansion This case highlights the complexity and onerous nature of the environmental assessment regime for major projects in NSW which empowers the courts to overturn a project approval despite ...

Emissions Reduction Fund White Paper released
Insight 28 Apr 2014

The Federal Government has released its White Paper on the design of the Emissions Reduction Fund Partner Grant Anderson reports ...

Draft legislation released to improve corporate law compliance burden
Insight 17 Apr 2014

An exposure draft of proposed legislative amendments designed to reduce the compliance burden for businesses has been released by the Federal Government The amendments include long-awaited changes to the dividend payment rules the abolition of the 100 member rule and updates to remuneration ...

The Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement
Insight 15 Apr 2014

Australia and japan have enetered into an economic partnership agreement to reducel tariff barriers on the majority of Australian exports to Japan. In contrast to the recently concluded Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement, it does not include an investor-state dispute settlement mechanism. ...

Important changes to BCIPA in Queensland
Insight 11 Apr 2014

Queenslands Department for Housing and Public Works has released details of fundamental amendments to the Building and Construction Industry Payments Act proposed to come into effect this year Partner Dan Young and Overseas Practitioner Andrew Middleton report on the key reforms proposed and their ...

Draft planning policy framework for Victoria - open for comment
Insight 11 Apr 2014

The Ministerial Advisory Committee appointed to review the Victorian State Planning Policy Framework has released a draft version of a new Planning Policy Framework that reorganises the policy framework into themes and updates the policy content to include new policies to support Plan Melbourne and ...
