311-320 of 408 results

Media control and ownership: (re)starting the discussion
Insight 13 Jun 2014

A policy background paper on media control and ownership released by the federal Department of Communications aims to restart the discussion on media law reform The paper does not draw conclusions or make recommendations but adopts a deregulatory tone Partner Ian McGill Senior Associate Matt Vitins ...

South Australian Royal Commission heads developments in uranium sector
Insight 06 Mar 2015

The South Australian Government has released the draft terms of reference for the recently-announced Royal Commission to inquire and report on the potential for South Australia to deepen its involvement in the nuclear fuel cycle Partner Richard Malcolmson Managing Associate Hilary Birks and Senior ...

Data deal - mandatory data breach notification laws to be introduced as trade-off for controversial metadata retention regime
Insight 05 Mar 2015

The Federal Government in a surprising and highly significant move for companies in Australia has committed to enacting a mandatory data breach notification scheme before the end of 2015 which will apply to all Australian companies currently subject to the Privacy Act The proposal is not limited to ...

The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Insight 21 Nov 2014

After almost 10 years of negotiations between the nations on 17 November 2014 Prime Minister Abbott and President Xi announced the conclusion of negotiations on the China Australia Free Trade Agreement ChAFTA Once implemented the ChAFTA is expected to significantly reduce import barriers for ...

Privacy Commissioner reports on Department of Immigration and Border Protection's data breach
Insight 13 Nov 2014

The Australian Privacy Commissioner has released a report into the Department of Immigration and Border Protection having breached the privacy of asylum seekers in February 2014 Partner Michael Pattison and Associate Priyanka Nair report on the Commissioners findings and the lessons for all ...

Back to a future for employee share scheme options
Insight 17 Oct 2014

After talks of introducing a special tax regime for employee options in start-ups, the Federal Government has reverted back to the global norm of employee options granted by all companies generally being taxed on exercise ...

Corporate law developments
Insight 02 Nov 2017

Welcome to the first edition of Nucleus our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

Ransomware attacks on the rise
Insight 29 Jun 2017

With an upward trend in large-scale ransomware attacks and the number of data breaches reported globally mandatory data breach notification will become law in Australia in February 2018 This will place privacy compliance and cyber security in sharp focus Partner Michael Park Lawyer Samantha Naylor ...

The rise of 'robo advice'
Insight 06 May 2015

Robo advice is another one of these phrases that we are suddenly seeing everywhere The idea offers some exciting opportunities for advice providers What are the regulatory issues And how can lawyers help ...

The fintech phenomenon - risks and opportunities
Insight 01 Apr 2015

Everyone is talking about fintech What is it And what does it mean for the financial services industry and for regulation ...
