321-330 of 393 results

Corporate law developments
Insight 02 Nov 2017

Welcome to the first edition of Nucleus our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

Report: 2017 Private Equity mid-year briefing
Insight 18 Jul 2017

The first half of 2017 has been one of the most active buy out periods for private equity in Australia since the financial crisis With fundraising conditions remaining positive plenty of committed capital needing to be invested and the announcement of a number of large and high profile transactions ...

Ten key M&A legal issues for foreign investors in Vietnam
Insight 29 Jun 2017

Vietnam continues to be an attractive destination for foreign investors both in terms of the number and the value of transactions, This Insight considers future implications of the growth in the M&A market. ...

Report: Australia's foreign investment regime - budget changes relating to solar and wind farms
Insight 24 May 2017

In the 2017 Budget the Australian Government flagged a number of changes to Australias foreign investment regime including clarifying the treatment of solar and wind farms under the regime ...

First Asset Recycling Initiative agreement signed
Insight 24 Feb 2015

The Federal Government announced late last week that the first agreement under its 5 billion Asset Recycling Initiative has been signed with the ACT Government demonstrating the Federal Governments commitment to the Initiative despite the underlying legislation remaining stalled by the Senate ...

Changes to the rules governing foreign investment in Australian agriculture
Insight 13 Feb 2015

The Australian Government has announced that from 1 March 2015 acquisitions of agricultural land worth more than A15 million and any additional acquisitions over and above that amount will require government approval It will also establish a foreign ownership register of agricultural land ...

Report: Our look ahead to the private equity market in Australia
Insight 03 Apr 2017

With the current exit cycle coming to an end for many sponsors and large amounts of dry powder waiting to be deployed were expecting an uptick in new investment activity in Australia by private equity sponsors There are some key trends and sectors to look out for in 2017 The Private Equity team at ...

How the UK's Brexit decision could affect you
Insight 20 Jun 2016

This week the UK will vote on whether it wants to remain part of the EU This decision could have global economic impacts and affect your business For instance how will it impact on free trade agreements with Europe and the rest of the world the pace of deals in the UK and the UK regulatory ...

Withholding tax to capture exit profits
Insight 11 Dec 2015

Legislation introduced into Parliament will impose a 10 per cent non-final withholding tax on proceeds paid to foreign parties to acquire direct or indirect interests in Australian real property and mining rights from 1 July 2016 Partner Martin Fry and Lawyer David Lewis discuss the proposed law ...

Infrastructure investment in Australia - the road ahead for institutional investors
Insight 11 Dec 2017

With large-scale privatisations slowing and intense competition for assets that do come to market institutional investors are looking to non-traditional assets to provide similar long-term stable and predictable returns ...
