341-350 of 639 results

Use of your own name must be in good faith
Insight 12 Aug 2019

Even where a family business is making use of its own surname, trade mark infringement and passing off are likely to be found where the conduct is not in good faith and has caused actual confusion. ...

From lab to pasture to plate - amendments to the National Gene Technology Scheme
Insight 12 Aug 2019

The Federal Government has amended the scheme that regulates the release of genetically modified organisms into the environment in a manner that is commensurate with risk. However, proposals to ammend the Food Standards Code, if any, is pending subject to its review. ...

Will the Australian food regulator change its tuna?
Insight 12 Aug 2019

From milk to meat and from chicken to tuna, the global animal-based food industry has been asking 'what's in a name?' in the context of the policy debate over the regulation of vegan alternatives to animal-based food products. ...

ACCC calls for significant reforms in Digital Platforms Inquiry Final Report - Part 1 of Allens' two-part series
Insight 31 Jul 2019

The Federal Government has released the ACCC's Final Report from its Digital Platforms Inquiry, with significant and wide-ranging implications across competition, consumer protection, copyright and privacy issues. ...

ACCC calls for significant reforms in Digital Platforms Inquiry Final Report (Part II): A platform for sweeping privacy reform
Insight 31 Jul 2019

The ACCC has called for significant reforms in Digital platforms to strengthen privacy protections for individuals and to improve transparency and accountability In data handling practices for both digital platforms and other organisations regulated by the Privacy Act 1998. ...

Right here, right now; the CDR regime is live
Insight 02 Aug 2019

The Consumer Data Right Act has been passed by Federal Parliament bringing with it significant changes for legal, risk and compliance teams operating in the finance, banking, energy and telco sectors ...

ASIC's proposed market integrity rules for technological and operational resilience could impose far-reaching obligations
Insight 23 Jul 2019

The COAG Energy Council Hydrogen Working Group continues its work on the National Hydrogen Strategy, with the release of its issues papers series. The nine papers are a fascinating look at the breadth, depth and interwoven nature of the issues facing hydrogen. ...

Sportsbet takes punt on descriptive mark
Insight 24 Jul 2019

The decision in Sportsbet Pty Ltd [2019] ATMO 86 regarding the inherent capacity to distinguish of the mark SAME GAME MULTI provides a timely reminder of the perils of adopting descriptive trade marks. ...
