341-350 of 408 results

Fact sheet: Starting-up smart: How to get the most out of your lawyer, for less
Insight 19 Oct 2015

If youre focused on testing your idea developing your product and scraping together enough funds to talk to foundation customers engaging a lawyer could be the last thing on your mind ...

Special Report: Understanding the opportunities and navigating the legal frameworks of distributed ledger technology and blockchain
Insight 17 Jun 2016

Authored by a multidisciplinary team from Allens Blockchain Reaction is designed to assist business stakeholders decision makers and in-house counsel across a variety of sectors to understand the technology and how it is being used as well as navigate the regulatory and legal opportunities and ...

Australia and Singapore enter into Comprehensive Strategic Partnership
Insight 17 May 2016

The Australian and Singaporean governments have recently concluded discussions on a landmark agreement that will see the two countries cooperating across a range of strategic initiatives including in the areas of trade and economics innovation education people and defence The Comprehensive Strategic ...

Fact sheet: Crowd-sourced equity funding - can you access it?
Insight 06 Oct 2015

The new Turnbull Cabinet has made clear its intention to support innovation so that Australia can have a thriving economy The Treasury has already done some work in this area releasing a consultation paper on crowd-sourcing equity funding CSEF for startups and small business ...

Website-blocking injunctions to prevent online piracy
Insight 14 Apr 2015

In an effort to reduce the rate of online copyright infringement the Australian Government has introduced a Bill that will allow copyright owners to apply for an injunction requiring internet service providers to take steps to block piracy websites from their users Senior Associate Jonathan ...

Gradual steps towards online copyright infringement reform
Insight 19 Mar 2015

Telecommunications industry body the Communications Alliance has released a draft industry code that would introduce a copyright infringement notice scheme for internet service providers ...

OAIC concludes investigation of Australian Red Cross data breach
Insight 05 Sep 2017

OAIC concludes investigation of Australian Red Cross data breach where a one-off human error by a third party provider's employee led to a massive data breach that hit the Australian Red Cross Blood Service ...

Predictive coding: the future of electronic document production?
Insight 25 Feb 2016

A recent decision of the English High Court may pave the way for the use of predictive coding in large scale discovery and regulatory investigations in Australia Partners Nick Rudge and Duncan Travis Managing Associate Kate Austin and Associate Emily Giblin look at the benefits and risks of the new ...

Full Court comes down hard on business method patent, but software remains patentable
Insight 21 Dec 2015

In an eagerly awaited appeal decision in emRPL Central v The Commissioner of Patentsem the Full Federal Court has decided that the evidence-gathering method the subject of RPL Centrals innovation patent was a mere scheme abstract idea or business method that did not constitute patentable subject ...
