351-360 of 723 results

Top 10 things to know about the Consumer Data Right
Insight 10 Sep 2018

This article lists our top 10 'need-to-know's about the proposed framework for the implementation of the Consumer Data Right, including how these key aspects are likely to play out in the banking sector and what it all means for Australian businesses going forward. ...

Show me the data! Introducing the Consumer Data Right
Insight 10 Sep 2018

On 15 August the Federal Government released exposure draft legislation that if passed will establish an economy-wide consumer-directed data transfer system The latest sprint in a marathon of reviews reports and recommendations over the past few years that have called for the adoption of some form ...

Beverage get-up round-up
Insight 22 Jul 2018

Recent Federal Court beverage cases illustrate the challenges involved in protecting and enforcing secondary marks on food and beverage product packaging. ...

How will the food & groceries market adjust to the rise of digital platforms?
Insight 22 Jul 2018

Digital platforms, such as Amazon, have the potential to transform the food and grocery industry. The amended misuse of market power provision aims to protect smaller competitors without stifling innovation. Does the new law have any role to play in the ascent of digital platforms? ...

Solar farm wins court approval despite conflicts with planning schemes
Insight 27 Aug 2018

The Queensland Planning and Environment Court has approved a solar farm located on good quality agricultural land despite high level conflicts between the proposed development and the provisions of the relevant planning schemes Partner Bill McCredie and Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling review the ...

Video: UN's Big Data-Open Data consultation process: Insights from Professor Joseph Cannataci, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy
Insight 27 Aug 2018

We recently had the privilege of catching up with Prof Joseph Cannataci the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy to discuss the UNs Big Data - Open Data consultation process Watch the video for his insights on the rapidly changing global privacy landscape ...

Allens' submission to ALRC Class Actions Inquiry - time to revisit the checks and balances
Insight 14 Aug 2018

The Australian Law Reform Commissions Inquiry into Class Actions and Third Party Litigation Funders provides an important and timely opportunity to reflect on the operation of our class actions regime We have made a detailed submission to the ALRCs Inquiry in which we advocated for a renewed focus ...

ACCC brings first 'excessive surcharge' proceedings
Insight 01 Aug 2018

The ACCC has instituted Federal Court proceedings against Europcar for allegedly imposing excessive payment surcharges on customers. This is the first court proceeding commenced by the ACCC under the new prohibition and serves as a reminder to businesses that card payment surcharges must be limited. ...

US court holds foreign corporations not liable for human rights harms under Alien Tort Statute
Insight 20 Jul 2018

In a decision on human rights litigation that has important consequences for business a divided US Supreme Court has held that foreign corporations will not be held liable in suits brought under the Alien Tort Statute Partner Rachel Nicolson Associate Shamistha Selvaratnam and Graduate Calypso ...

Competing class actions - a problem in need of a solution
Insight 20 Aug 2018

As fertile ground for class actions the Royal Commission has highlighted an ongoing problem with Australia's class action regime - there is no clear consistent means for resolving competing class actions. ...
