351-353 of 353 results

Amendments to BCIPA regime passed in Queensland
Insight 18 Sep 2014

The Queensland Parliament has passed amendments to the states security of payment legislation that aim to address concerns raised by the construction industry about unfairness in the payment claim and adjudication process ...

Adjudications under WA's SOPA legislation - enforcement by statutory demands clarified
Insight 24 Jun 2014

The WA Supreme Court has provided important clarification on the enforcement of adjudication determinations by the use of statutory demands under that States security of payment legislation It has confirmed that leave to enforce an adjudication determination as a judgment must be obtained before the ...

Draft NSW Biodiversity Offsets Policy for Major Projects
Insight 16 Apr 2014

The NSW Government has released a draft Biodiversity Offsets Policy for Major Projects that will apply to the assessment of State Significant Development and State Significant Infrastructure Partner Paul Lalich Senior Associate Trent March and Lawyer Dennis Smith consider the implications of the ...
