3601-3610 of 4180 results

The Public-Private Partnership Law Review
Insight 13 Jun 2017

After a busy 2016 with new projects coming to market and others transitioning from development into operations phase strong market activity is continuing this year although there is some uncertainty as to the project pipeline in some states ...

ACCC calls for comment on electricity retail supply and pricing
Insight 07 Jun 2017

The ACCC has taken the first major step in its inquiry into electricity retail supply and pricing in the National Electricity Market by releasing an issues paper and calling for submissions by 30 June 2017 The issues paper focuses on three broad areas the pricing costs and profits of electricity ...

Victorian Government proposes reforms to reserve domestic gas production
Insight 07 Jun 2017

The Victorian Government has today proposed significant gas market reforms primarily involving the introduction of a cap on the export of gas from Victoria in order to facilitate the reservation of domestic gas production for domestic supply The proposed reforms are aimed at reducing domestic gas ...

A class divide? The Boart Longyear creditors' scheme
Insight 29 May 2017

The NSW Court of Appeal has considered whether different groups of secured creditors should be placed into separate classes for the purposes of voting on a proposed creditors scheme of arrangement ...

Environmental bond and mine rehabilitation reform in Queensland
Insight 15 May 2017

Major reforms to environmental bonds and rehabilitation requirements are proposed in two discussion papers released by the Queensland Government All mining sector operators should understand how the reforms will impact their current and proposed operations Partner Bill McCredie and Senior Associate ...

2017 Budget: increased scrutiny on competition and accountability in the financial system
Insight 10 May 2017

Treasurer Scott Morrison this week announced that he has tasked the Productivity Commission to review the state of competition in Australias financial system The Budget has also included other measures focused on competition in the financial sector including funding to establish a dedicated ACCC ...

Sizing up options for better apartments
Insight 15 May 2015

Victorian Planning Minister Richard Wynne has made his views on apartments known through comments to the media and at industry events about small apartments where he can touch the ceiling and where the shower is over the toilet Mr Wynne has now released a discussion paper on better apartments ...

What next after FATF's mixed review of Australia's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regime?
Insight 11 May 2015

The Financial Action Task Force has released its report on the effectiveness of Australias anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regime focusing on the extent to which it complies with international standards The reports findings and recommendations come at a key stage in the ...

Insolvent contractors beware: principals can rely upon set-off rights when resisting claims
Insight 29 Apr 2015

The Victorian Supreme Court has provided guidance on set-off rights in the context of insolvency particularly in relation to inconsistency between provisions of the Corporations Act and security of payment legislation Partner Nick Rudge and Lawyer James Waters report ...

Update strengthens legal avenues for online copyright rights holders
Insight 24 Apr 2015

Telecommunications industry body the Communications Alliance has submitted an updated Copyright Notice Scheme to allow rights holders to better use existing legal avenues to defend their rights The updated Notice Scheme resolves a number of issues that were left open when the first draft of the ...
