3731-3740 of 4182 results

Plan Melbourne: refresh of Victoria's metropolitan planning strategy
Insight 16 Nov 2015

Housing affordability climate change and energy efficiency are key focuses of the discussion paper recently released by the Victorian Planning Minster which aims to refresh the current Melbourne Metropolitan Planning strategy Plan Melbourne The paper draws upon the detailed report prepared by the ...

Not quite business as usual - IP Australia takes pragmatic view of Myriad
Insight 19 Oct 2015

IP Australia has taken a pragmatic approach to the Myriad decision that will give comfort to Australias biotechnology industry and research organisations that they can continue to carry out biological RD and be able to obtain patent protection for innovation in Australia Partner Dr Trevor Davies ...

Mixed reactions to changes to new CBD height limits
Insight 06 Oct 2015

The Melbourne Planning Scheme has recently been amended to introduce mandatory built form controls to the central business district and Southbank area Managing Associate Meg Lee and Associate Kate Kirby report on the changes and on the reactions of key stakeholders ...

Contractors face uphill battle restraining security calls
Insight 07 Mar 2016

The Supreme Court of Western Australia has dismissed a subcontractors application for an interlocutory injunction restraining a call on a bank guarantee Partners Nick Rudge and Jeremy Quan-Sing and Lawyer Evan Lacey discuss the decision and its implications ...

Access regulation application sinks at the Newcastle shipping channel
Insight 29 Jan 2016

The acting Federal Treasurer has made a determination under Australias national access regime to not declare access to the Newcastle shipping channel The decision is a reminder of the limits of the national access regime in challenging the pricing of infrastructure owners Partner John Hedge and ...

New guidelines for unsolicited proposals for State-owned land in WA
Insight 28 Jan 2016

The WA Government has issued its formal guidelines for unsolicited proposals for the sale or lease of State-owned land By embracing the possibility of unsolicited proposals as opposed to encumbering every development opportunity with a procurement process and by expressing a willingness to engage ...

Guarantors owed a duty of care under the Code of Banking Practice
Insight 21 Jan 2016

A recent decision of the Victorian Court of Appeal has given a wide meaning to the Code of Banking Practice finding that the duty of care owed by a lender in assessing the borrowers ability to repay extends to guarantors Effectively the bank was responsible to guarantordirectors for funding their ...

Mongolia's Law on Petroleum revised
Insight 24 Dec 2015

Mongolia has revised its Law on Petroleum which will operated in tandem with its 2005 Law on Petroleum Products Partner Igor Bogdanich and Consultant Manduul Altangerel look at the new law and what it will mean for companies prospecting and extracting petroleum products in Mongolia ...

Across Australia and to Paris - Recent developments in the nuclear fuel cycle
Insight 23 Dec 2015

Partner Richard Malcolmson Senior Associate Emily Gerrard and Associate Emily Johnstone report on recent developments in the Australian nuclear fuel cycle debate including the recent shortlisting of potential sites by the Australian Government for a radioactive waste management facility the ...

COP21 and the Paris Agreement
Insight 14 Dec 2015

Over the weekend in Paris two weeks of negotiations culminated in the adoption by all parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of a conference decision and Paris Agreement to address climate change The combined Paris Outcome commits parties to limit global temperature ...
