3771-3780 of 4182 results

A framework for CIPRs or just more work for super trustees?
Insight 16 Dec 2016

Treasury released a paper seeking feedback on a framework for Comprehensive Income Products for Retirement. It will permit trustees to offer members on a 'soft default' basis 'mass-customised, composite retirement income products' and, to encourage trustees ...

Disclosing privileged documents to regulators
Insight 16 Dec 2016

The case of Cantor v Audi provides insights into what you should consider before providing privileged documents to a regulator. ...

Climate change policy news: more guidance for Australian businesses
Insight 06 Dec 2016

Over the past fortnight both the Federal and Victorian Governments have made progress in climate change policy and regulation with the Federal Government announcing its terms of reference for the 2017 climate change policy review and the Victorian Government tabling its new Climate Change Bill 2016 ...

Court confirms life easier for default interest clauses post-Paciocco
Insight 06 Dec 2016

New South Wales Court of Appeal case Arab Bank Australia v Sayde Developments considered the application of penalties doctrine to default interest rate provisions in load agreements post the high court's libera approach to the doctrine in Paciocco v ANZ. ...

Major water reforms in Queensland to affect all water users
Insight 06 Dec 2016

Major water reforms that will affect all water users particularly the resources industry have commenced in Queensland. All water users should be aware of the changes and new obligations especially as there may be potentially significant time and cost benefits and risks ...

Worth the wait? Release of draft mandatory data breach notification laws
Insight 25 Oct 2016

Following a period of industry consultation the Federal Government has introduced updated legislation that will introduce a mandatory data breach notification scheme The new Bill will amend the Privacy Act 1988 Cth when it comes into force and will apply to all Australian companies currently subject ...

Bill to establish Cross River Rail Delivery Authority
Insight 24 Oct 2016

The Queensland Government introduced legislation to establish the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority an independent statutory body charged with delivering the Cross River Rail project and the wider economic developments along the projects corridor Partner Nicholas Ng Senior Associate Matt Thomas ...

Reforming the NWIS
Insight 21 Oct 2016

This insight explores the report on the Pilbara's electricity infrastructure released by the WA government which considers the future regulatory landscape and best practice development of the North West Interconnected System and proposes new rules governing access to the system ...

Conflicted remuneration and life insurance
Insight 20 Oct 2016

Exposure draft life insurance regulations were released yesterday They are a marked departure from the existing conflicted remuneration provisions Now a benefit can only be conflicted remuneration if it could reasonably be expected to influence financial product advice These regulations will create ...

ASIC clarifies stance on forward-looking statements by mining and resources companies
Insight 20 Oct 2016

ASIC has revised its Information Sheet 214 on forward-looking statements by mining companies following industry feedback While continuing to emphasise that these statements must be based on reasonable grounds ASIC has clarified that forward-looking statements based on estimates of mineralisation can ...
