371-380 of 629 results

There's no such thing as a free lunch (or road): user charges and road pricing
Insight 26 Jun 2015

Whether or not to more broadly adopt a user-pays model for road infrastructure is a contentious debate within Australia A number of industry participants and bodies have shown leadership in framing and enriching the debate while others have sought to politicise or inflame the core issues Partner ...

Under construction: Planning Minister launches review of the Victorian Heritage Act
Insight 26 Jun 2015

This week the Victorian Planning Minister kickstarted a review into the Heritage Act 1995 Vic by launching a discussion paper outlining Heritage Victorias suggestions for reform Developers and heritage-listed property owners should consider the proposed changes to prepare for a public consultation ...

Support for principals with bank guarantees
Insight 25 Jun 2015

A principal has successfully challenged a decision to grant an interlocutory injunction restraining it from calling on performance bonds ...

New development levy framework introduced in Victoria
Insight 18 Jun 2015

The Victorian Planning Minister has introduced legislation to implement a new development levy framework for the state Developers and land owners in growth and strategic development areas will need to understand the new system of standard and supplementary levies although much of the detail is still ...

Consultation Open on New Integrated Mining Policy
Insight 03 Jun 2015

The New South Wales Government has released its new Integrated Mining Policy for consultation It clarifies the development application requirements for major mining projects and aims to streamline the assessment process Partner Bill McCredie and Senior Associates Naomi Bergman and Michael Zissis ...

VCAT advisory opinion outlines limits on recovery of certain landlord outgoings
Insight 07 May 2015

A recent advisory opinion from the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal outlines certain limits on the maintenance repair and compliance costs that a landlord can recover from tenants under Victorian leases particularly retail premises leases Partner John Beckinsale Special Counsel Christine ...

NSW Budget 2015-16
Insight 29 Jun 2015

A significant suite of infrastructure projects across transport public housing health and prisons as well as new bodies to facilitate their delivery have been announced in the NSW Budget Partner Leighton OBrien and Associate Dennis Smith report ...

First Asset Recycling Initiative agreement signed
Insight 24 Feb 2015

The Federal Government announced late last week that the first agreement under its 5 billion Asset Recycling Initiative has been signed with the ACT Government demonstrating the Federal Governments commitment to the Initiative despite the underlying legislation remaining stalled by the Senate ...

New planning legislation for Queensland's development
Insight 18 Aug 2014

The latest component of the Queensland Governments planning reform package has been released The draft Planning and Development Bill aims to facilitate Queenslands development by balancing economic growth environmental protection and community wellbeing Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling and Senior ...

Final version of Metropolitan Planning Strategy released
Insight 23 May 2014

Following consultation and feedback a final version of the Metropolitan Planning Strategy known as Plan Melbourne has been launched While the focus of Plan Melbourne continues to be on employment cluster locations and urban renewal opportunities there is also a renewed focus in the final document on ...
