371-380 of 449 results

Room to move in joint operating agreements
Insight 05 Dec 2016

The Western Australian Supreme Court of Appeal has handed down its decision in Apache v Santos allowing the appeal by Apache and overturning the first instance decision The Appeal Courts decision has important implications for the interpretation of joint operating agreements and the ability of ...

Move to national regulation delayed
Insight 14 Nov 2016

As part of the Western Australian Governments electricity market review legislation was introduced recently into Parliament for Western Australia to participate for the first time in the National Electricity Law from 1 July 2018 However the Public Utilities Office has confirmed speculation that time ...

LNG destination clauses under scrutiny by Japanese competition regulator
Insight 07 Sep 2016

Part of the Japanese Ministry of Economy Trade and Industrys strategy for LNG market development which aims to achieve stability in LNG supply and lower prices is to abolish or relax destination clauses with the view that this would lead to lower prices through increased reselling and arbitrage ...

New Draft Wind Energy Planning Framework
Insight 08 Aug 2016

The New South Wales Government has released its new Wind Energy Planning Framework with the aim of establishing a more efficient and consistent assessment and approval regime for wind energy projects and also addressing the concerns raised by stakeholders to the 2011 draft Guidelines The buffer zone ...

ACCC inquiry into the east coast gas market - key findings and recommendations
Insight 22 Apr 2016

The final report of the ACCC inquiry into the east coast gas market was released today The ACCC has made recommendations about removing government moratoria on gas developments revising the test to determine when a pipeline should be regulated and increasing consistency and transparency in ...

Special Report: Understanding the opportunities and navigating the legal frameworks of distributed ledger technology and blockchain
Insight 17 Jun 2016

Authored by a multidisciplinary team from Allens Blockchain Reaction is designed to assist business stakeholders decision makers and in-house counsel across a variety of sectors to understand the technology and how it is being used as well as navigate the regulatory and legal opportunities and ...

New energy certificate exemptions for sellers and landlords
Insight 06 Mar 2015

From 1 July 2015 sellers and landlords will be able to enter into sales and leases which are the result of unsolicited offers or which involve only wholly-owned subsidiaries without the need to first provide a building energy efficiency certificate following amendments to federal legislation Partner ...

South Australian Royal Commission heads developments in uranium sector
Insight 06 Mar 2015

The South Australian Government has released the draft terms of reference for the recently-announced Royal Commission to inquire and report on the potential for South Australia to deepen its involvement in the nuclear fuel cycle Partner Richard Malcolmson Managing Associate Hilary Birks and Senior ...

A boost for NT onshore oil and gas opportunities
Insight 05 Mar 2015

The Northern Territory Government has decided not to impose a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing for its onshore oil and gas industry giving the Territorys onshore oil and gas operators and investors investment certainty at a time that export and domestic opportunities are arising Partner Ben ...

NSW rewrites regulation of private water and sewage infrastructure
Insight 26 Nov 2014

New legislation makes important changes to the regulatory scheme applying to private water and sewage infrastructure in NSW In particular the reforms change the way in which water infrastructure is approved and licenced by the NSW Government Partner Andrew Mansour and Lawyer Jerome Entwisle discuss ...
