3851-3860 of 4182 results

Business as usual after state and territory budgets handed down
Insight 26 Jun 2014

All of the states and territories have now delivered their budgets for the coming financial year Although there are no major changes to state and territory taxes there are some minor changes in each jurisdiction Partner Katrina Parkyn and Lawyer Scott Lang report on the notable developments for ...

Managed investment trusts - the new regime
Insight 25 Jun 2014

Exposure draft legislation to implement long-awaited changes to the tax regime for managed investment trusts is expected to be issued shortly ahead of the regimes recently announced start date of 1 July 2015 Partner Katrina Parkyn recaps some of its expected key features and likely impacts on the ...

Workplace Relations
Insight 25 Jun 2014

We look at the circumstances where a court may not grant an injunction to restrain an employee from working with a competitor the Fair Work Commissions position on legal representation a case that helps clarify when restructuring roles will create genuine redundancy whether a gift to employees who ...

Adjudications under WA's SOPA legislation - enforcement by statutory demands clarified
Insight 24 Jun 2014

The WA Supreme Court has provided important clarification on the enforcement of adjudication determinations by the use of statutory demands under that States security of payment legislation It has confirmed that leave to enforce an adjudication determination as a judgment must be obtained before the ...

First step towards a Common Resources Act in Queensland
Insight 12 Jun 2014

New legislation has been introduced into the Queensland Parliament that will mark the first stage of a program that will attempt to rationalise the regulatory regime for all types of resources tenure in that state The new legislation also introduces a number of major reforms to the land access and ...

High Court affirms governments' power to pass 'draconian' seizure laws
Insight 10 Jun 2014

The High Court recently handed down its decision in Attorney-General NT v Emmerson Partner Peter ODonahoo Senior Associate Tim Maxwell and Lawyer Simone Kaser review the decision with respect to the courts analysis of the limits on Commonwealth and Territory legislative power under the doctrine of ...

Green Bonds have come to town
Insight 29 Apr 2014

Green Bonds have been part of the international capital markets landscape for some time and recently the World Bank announced the first A Green Bonds to be issued into the Australian debt capital market If developments in the European Green Bond market are a good indicator there is potential for ...

Competition policy 'root and branch' review issues paper released
Insight 16 Apr 2014

Following the release of the final terms of reference for the root and branch review of Australias competition law and policy the review panel has released an issues paper and a fact sheet about the review Partner Kon Stellios reports ...

Draft NSW Biodiversity Offsets Policy for Major Projects
Insight 16 Apr 2014

The NSW Government has released a draft Biodiversity Offsets Policy for Major Projects that will apply to the assessment of State Significant Development and State Significant Infrastructure Partner Paul Lalich Senior Associate Trent March and Lawyer Dennis Smith consider the implications of the ...

Queensland Government proposes land access reforms
Insight 15 Apr 2014

The Queensland Government has released a discussion paper setting out proposed reforms to the States land access regime for public and private land The paper closely follows other discussion papers released recently in respect of proposed reforms to restricted land and the process for notifying and ...
