381-390 of 703 results for 'consumer data right'

Ultra Tune's small victory in Franchising Code case
Insight 24 Oct 2019

Earlier this year, InIP reported on a case brought by the ACCC alleging various breaches of the Competition and Consumer (Industry Codes – Franchising) Regulation 2014 (Franchising Code). Ultra Tune Australia Pty Ltd (Ultra Tune) was found to have committed numerous breaches of the Franchising Code. ...

TNFD Recommendations to prompt a step change in nature risk management and disclosure
Insight 10 Oct 2023

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures recommendations (the TNFD Recommendations) provide a means to standardise nature-related risk management and reporting, and to capitalise on nature-related opportunities. ...

IP rights and Indigenous Knowledge: the case of gumby gumby
Insight 17 Dec 2019

A pending trade mark application concerning the Indigenous term 'gumby gumby' highlights the controversies that arise at the intersection of intellectual property rights and Indigenous culture. ...

EU leads the way with counterfeit crackdown
Insight 19 Dec 2018

The European Commission has recently established the world's first counterfeit and piracy watch list, which aims to crack down on counterfeiting and piracy both within the European Union and in external suspect markets. Partner Tim Golder and Vacation Clerk Scott Sidley report. ...

The PROOF is in the pudding? Using WIPO's new digital evidence tool to strengthen your IP rights
Insight 25 Jun 2020

WIPO PROOF - WIPO's new service can be used to prove the existence and contents of a digital file at a given time. ...

KODAKOne: the Kodak Moment moves up the Blockchain
Insight 22 Feb 2018

Kodak, in partnership with WENN Digital, recently announced the launch of the KODAKOne digital rights management platform and KODAKCoin cryptocurrency. The goal of the blockchain-based platform is to assist photographers to protect their copyright, license their images and flush out potential infrin ...

Decision on Love is (up) in the Air
Insight 25 Jun 2020

Music duo Glass Candy and airline Air France were found to have infringed the copyright in the iconic 'Love is in the Air' with the songs 'Warm in the Winter' and 'France is in the Air'. With a number of issues unresolved, this remains a case to watch. ...

Combe International Ltd v Dr August Wolff: deceptive similarity where it counts
Insight 30 Apr 2021

IP Australia, the Federal Court and the Full Federal Court have considered whether the trade marks VAGISIL and VAGISAN are deceptively similar. The final answer has now been handed down by the Full Federal Court. We take a look at the decision and what it tells us about deceptive similarity. ...

Finkel Review - Distributed Energy Resources: Unlocking potential and future partnerships
Insight 23 Jun 2017

In the second of our series analysing the Finkel Review we look at Dr Finkels assessment on the growth of distributed energy resources DERs in the Australian energy landscape and his suggestions for future incentivisation and orchestration These suggestions have raised a number of considerations and ...

Beware the perils of false patent marking
Insight 23 Aug 2018

Patent marking is a useful way of notifying the public and potential infringers that monopoly rights exist or are pending in a product. However, falsely marking a product as 'patented' or 'patent pending' is fraught with danger. ...
