381-390 of 696 results

Value capture for major transport infrastructure projects discussion paper
Insight 17 Nov 2016

The Federal Government has released the discussion paper foreshadowed in its Smart Cities Plan about how to use value capture to fund infrastructure projects in Australia Infrastructure Transport Sector Leader Leighton OBrien Government Sector Leader Paul Kenny Special Finance Counsel Phillip ...

Implications for government acquiring agencies under NSW land acquisition reform
Insight 25 Oct 2016

This insight examines the key changes to the NSW Governments' announcement to its intention to reform the land acquisition process in New South Wales. ...

Special Report: Understanding the opportunities and navigating the legal frameworks of distributed ledger technology and blockchain
Insight 17 Jun 2016

Authored by a multidisciplinary team from Allens Blockchain Reaction is designed to assist business stakeholders decision makers and in-house counsel across a variety of sectors to understand the technology and how it is being used as well as navigate the regulatory and legal opportunities and ...

Changes to NSW strata title law - greater obligations and opportunities
Insight 10 Nov 2015

Two new pieces of legislation relating to strata title law have been passed by both Houses of the NSW Parliament Although the new legislation which is expected to commence on 1 July 2016 will impose obligations on developers to provide inspection reports and building bonds it will also open up ...

World Bank compares public procurement globally
Insight 12 Jan 2016

The World Bank has released its Benchmarking Public Procurement 2016 report which provides comparable data on regulatory environments that affect the ability of private companies to do business with governments in 77 countries Partner Leighton OBrien who contributed to the reports analysis of ...

Arbitration Roundup
Insight 22 Dec 2015

Increasing private investment in the urban water sector
Insight 01 Dec 2015

Water Services Association of Australia and Infrastructure Partnerships Australia the peak bodies for water utilities and infrastructure respectively have released a joint report that calls for major reform in the provision of urban water services across Australia The report suggests that there is a ...

Governance of energy market fundamentally sound, but with potential for improvement
Insight 30 Oct 2015

The final report of the Review of Governance Arrangements for Australian Energy Markets has made a number of recommendations to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of each governing body in the Australian energy market while concluding that the governance arrangements are fundamentally sound ...

Significant amendments to retail shop leases legislation in Queensland
Insight 15 Oct 2015

Significant amendments to laws governing retail shop leases in Queensland will be made under new legislation just introduced into the Queensland Parliament Landlords should carefully review the Bill so they can be prepared for the new regime once it commences Partner John Beckinsale and Special ...

Recovery of land tax from commercial tenants in pre-30 June 2009 Queensland leases
Insight 13 Aug 2015

The Supreme Court of Queensland has concluded that landlords of pre-30 June 2009 commercial leases in Queensland are entitled to recover land tax from tenants from 30 June 2010, despite earlier legislation which purported to restrict such recovery. ...
