381-390 of 605 results

Contract Law Update 2016
Insight 15 Mar 2017

When is a person bound by their e-signature When does a breach of contract constitute a repudiation of that contract When does an exchange of correspondence give rise to a binding contract What is the latest on penalties These were some of the contract law issues considered by appellate courts ...

Misinterpretation of REC liability exemption leaves islanded generator high and dry
Insight 14 Mar 2017

A decision by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal affirming an assessment by the Clean Energy Regulator as to the liability of an off-grid generator under the Renewable Energy Electricity Act 2000 Cth highlights the need for liable entities to carefully consider their reliance on the small systems ...

Franchisors and holding companies liable under Vulnerable Workers Bill
Insight 02 Mar 2017

The Federal Government has introduced a Bill that will make franchisors liable for breaches of employment law by franchisees Partner Simon Dewberry and Managing Associate Andrew Stirling report ...

ACCC's Enforcement and Compliance priorities for 2017
Insight 27 Feb 2017

Criminal cartels unfair contract terms consumer guarantees and the health construction and agriculture sectors are some of the ACCCs key enforcement and compliance priorities for 2017 ACCC Chairman Rod Sims released the ACCCs 2017 Compliance and Enforcement Policy on Friday 24 February 2017 ...

Mandatory data breach notification scheme passed
Insight 13 Feb 2017

The Federal Parliament has today passed the Privacy Amendment Notifiable Data Breaches Bill 2016 which will amend the Privacy Act 1988 Cth to introduce a mandatory data breach notification scheme ...

Adani clears latest hurdle in Carmichael Mine approval
Insight 12 Dec 2016

The Supreme Court of Queensland has upheld the decision of the Chief Executive of the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection to issue an environmental authority for the Carmichael Mine In dismissing an application for judicial review by one of the mines objectors the Supreme ...

Impact of reforms to Construction Contracts Act 2004 (WA)
Insight 25 Oct 2016

Proposed amendments to the Construction Contracts Act 2004 WA will if passed result in significant changes to the adjudication process in Western Australia Partner Jeremy Quan-Sing Senior Associate Fiona Potter and Law Graduate Thanushar Sridaran report on the potential impacts of the changes ...

Increased whistleblower protections, and more to come...
Insight 24 Nov 2016

The Federal Parliament has passed an industrial relations bill that includes significant increases to the whistleblower protections applicable to unions and employer organisations In what would be a comprehensive overhaul of Australias whistleblower laws the Federal Government has separately agreed ...

Landmark Productivity Commission report on data availability and use
Insight 24 Nov 2016

The Productivity Commission has released a landmark draft report on the ability of individuals businesses and government to access and use data in Australia The report criticises Australias historically conservative approach to data use and proposes a fundamental and systematic change to the way ...

First Asset Recycling Initiative agreement signed
Insight 24 Feb 2015

The Federal Government announced late last week that the first agreement under its 5 billion Asset Recycling Initiative has been signed with the ACT Government demonstrating the Federal Governments commitment to the Initiative despite the underlying legislation remaining stalled by the Senate ...
