391-400 of 696 results

New Developer Levies to apply in Victoria
Insight 03 Aug 2015

Legislation has been introduced in Victoria to provide for new standard infrastructure levies to fund local infrastructure such as roads community centres kindergartens maternal and child health facilities local parks and sporting facilities ...

Judicial review of adjudication determinations - a new expansive approach?
Insight 28 Jul 2015

In a recent decision the Supreme Court of Western Australia quashed two adjudication determinations on the basis of jurisdictional error At the core of the decision was a finding that the adjudicator had misapplied the terms of the relevant construction contract The decision suggests that an ...

School chaplaincy program remains out of bounds of federal power
Insight 26 Jun 2014

In a decision that has potential implications for a raft of Federal Government programs the High Court held that legislation passed to authorise hundreds of government funding arrangements is invalid insofar as it relates to the national schools chaplaincy program The decision once again confirms ...

There's no such thing as a free lunch (or road): user charges and road pricing
Insight 26 Jun 2015

Whether or not to more broadly adopt a user-pays model for road infrastructure is a contentious debate within Australia A number of industry participants and bodies have shown leadership in framing and enriching the debate while others have sought to politicise or inflame the core issues Partner ...

First phase of new PNG environmental regime may commence as early as next week
Insight 28 Nov 2014

The Papua New Guinea Government has indicated that the first phase of PNGs new environmental regime may commence as early as 1 December 2014 Senior Associate Ryan Warokra reports on the impact the new legislation will have ...

Insolvency Law Reform Bill - harmonisation not radical reform
Insight 27 Nov 2014

The Federal Government has released its package of reforms to Australia's personal and corporate insolvency laws which Includes a draft Bill that proposes to streamline the regulatory framework applying to insolvency practitioners ...

NSW rewrites regulation of private water and sewage infrastructure
Insight 26 Nov 2014

New legislation makes important changes to the regulatory scheme applying to private water and sewage infrastructure in NSW In particular the reforms change the way in which water infrastructure is approved and licenced by the NSW Government Partner Andrew Mansour and Lawyer Jerome Entwisle discuss ...

Investor-state dispute settlement and the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Insight 21 Nov 2014

The Australian and Chinese governments have concluded negotiations on a free trade agreement that will reduce tariff barriers on the majority of Australian exports to China The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has confirmed that the treaty will include an investor-state dispute ...

The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Insight 21 Nov 2014

After almost 10 years of negotiations between the nations on 17 November 2014 Prime Minister Abbott and President Xi announced the conclusion of negotiations on the China Australia Free Trade Agreement ChAFTA Once implemented the ChAFTA is expected to significantly reduce import barriers for ...

PNG personal property securities reform becomes law
Insight 12 Nov 2014

Papua New Guineas personal property securities reform has passed into law but will not come into force until a security interest register is established Senior Associate Sarah Kuman reports ...
