401-410 of 759 results

Linklaters Insights: Legal implications of the Greek debt crisis
Insight 30 Jun 2015

After months of political stalemate in negotiations with its creditors to unlock access to bailout funds the Greek government has announced a referendum on proposed bailout conditions an extended bank holiday and the imposition of capital controls ...

Significant 'blow' for penalties claims
Insight 08 Apr 2015

Today the Full Federal Court clarified the law of penalties as it applies to fees The key development is that in considering whether the amount of a fee is extravagant and exorbitant compared to the potential costs incurred in dealing with a failure to perform an obligation the court held that ...

Australia implements expanded sanctions against Russia
Insight 02 Apr 2015

Australia has imposed sector-wide prohibitions on a range of imports to exports from and commercial activities with Russia Crimea and Sevastopol Partner Rachel Nicolson Associate Andrew Wilcock and Law Graduate Alice Crawford report on how these sanctions will impact on companies engaged in business ...

Northern Territory's bold renewable energy target
Insight 11 Dec 2017

The NT Government has released the Roadmap to Renewables report which considers how the Government could successfully implement a policy to achieve half of the Territorys energy requirements from renewable sources by 2030 ...

Infrastructure investment in Australia - the road ahead for institutional investors
Insight 11 Dec 2017

With large-scale privatisations slowing and intense competition for assets that do come to market institutional investors are looking to non-traditional assets to provide similar long-term stable and predictable returns ...

Getting the deal through: Project Finance 2018
Insight 20 Oct 2017

Allens Partners Michael Ryan and Ben Farnsworth discuss some of the issues relevant to project finance in an Australian context including security packages navigating the Personal Property Security Register and foreign investment issues in their contribution to this global project finance roundup ...

The Asia Region Funds Passport begins to take shape
Insight 17 Oct 2017

Its been a busy few months for the development of the Asia Region Funds Passport In late August the Federal Government released exposure draft legislation to accommodate the introduction of the Passport in Australia Once implemented the Passport will allow fund managers from participating economies ...

Vietnam opens its debt trading market to foreign investors
Insight 01 Sep 2017

Recent years have seen players in the Vietnamese banking sector making extensive efforts to recover non-performing loans or bad debts The Government has issued new regulations to improve the processes for recovering and handling bad debt in Vietnam and has implemented a framework to facilitate the ...

New corporate collective investment vehicle exposure draft legislation released
Insight 25 Aug 2017

The Federal Government today released exposure draft legislation for the new corporate collective investment vehicle one of the two forms of collective investment vehicle that it pledged to develop as part of the 2016-2017 budget Partners Marc Kemp and Charles Armitage and Senior Overseas ...

New PPP guidelines for NSW
Insight 28 Jul 2017

The NSW Government has released updated guidelines that govern the Public Private Partnership (PPP) procurement process in NSW and will provide welcome assistance to both NSW Government agencies and bidding consortiums. ...
