401-410 of 549 results

China's business regulatory approval reforms - further steps to market liberalisation
Insight 01 Apr 2014

The PRC Government is reforming its corporate regulatory approval processes at an unprecedented rate The changes are aimed at facilitating private sector investment including foreign direct investment in order to move towards a more market-driven economy Over the past four months new regulations ...

Pricing and repeal of the carbon tax
Insight 28 Mar 2014

The legislation that will repeal Australias carbon pricing scheme will also introduce some significant new prohibitions and confer some extensive enforcement and price monitoring powers on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to ensure that the repeal of the scheme is accompanied by a ...

Carbon pollution reduction schemes? - China one way, Australia the other?
Insight 20 Mar 2014

As part of its commitment to solving serious air pollution problems the Chinese Government has launched a variety of pilot schemes that will eventually pave the way for the establishment of a national emissions trading market These steps are in marked contrast to the position in Australia where the ...

Repeal of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Program
Insight 22 May 2014

The Federal Government has introduced legislation which, if passed, will terminate the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Program and remove the mandatory requirement for large energy using businesses to assess and report on opportunities to improve energy efficiency. ...

Streamlining environmental approvals for offshore petroleum projects
Insight 06 Mar 2014

A new regime that streamlines the environmental approvals process for petroleum activities in Commonwealth waters will place a greater responsibility on the titleholder of a tenement rather than the operator Partner Chris Schulz and Senior Associate Eve Lynch provide an overview of the changes ...

Productivity Commission's final report on the National Access Regime
Insight 24 Feb 2014

The Productivity Commission's final report on its review of Australia's National Access Regime supports the continuation of the National Access Regime subject to reforms, including altering the criteria for the application of access regulation. ...

Sidestepping arbitration clauses - a potentially explosive business!
Insight 28 Jan 2014

The Supreme Court of Western Australia has rejected a wide-ranging attack by a contracting party preferring litigation to arbitration on the operation of an arbitration clause Partner Andrew Maher reports ...

Emissions Reduction Fund Green Paper released
Insight 10 Jan 2014

The Federal Government has released its Green Paper on the design of the Emissions Reduction Fund Partner Grant Anderson reports on this proposed centrepiece of the Governments Direct Action Plan ...

Allens advises on proposed acquisition of AWE
News 21 Dec 2017

Allens is advising AWE Limited on its proposed acquisition by Mineral Resources Limited via a recommended scheme of arrangement, as well as its response to the takeover bid from China Energy Reserv ...

Allens partner to chair energy efficiency review
News 22 Jan 2018

Allens Partner and Head of Innovation Anna Collyer will lead the Australian Government's review into the legislation that regulates the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment. Ms Collyer wil ...
