411-420 of 459 results

Disclosing privileged documents to regulators
Insight 16 Dec 2016

The case of Cantor v Audi provides insights into what you should consider before providing privileged documents to a regulator. ...

An opportunity for greater certainty for class action defendants
Insight 05 Oct 2016

Class action settlement negotiations are often hindered by uncertainty about the number and identity of potential claimants A recent decision of the Supreme Court of NSW has paved the way for defendants to achieve greater certainty in respect of unregistered class members at an earlier stage than ...

E-signature - a case study, but not a test case
Insight 29 Sep 2016

A recent New South Wales Court of Appeal decision concerned a guarantee purportedly signed by e-signature without the guarantors knowledge It is an interesting case-study though the decision is really about ostensible authority and ratification Senior Finance Counsel Diccon Loxton considers its ...

Can listed companies continue to claim tax deductions for contributions to employee share trusts?
Insight 21 Mar 2014

A recent draft tax ruling may make it more difficult for employers to claim tax deductions for contributions made to employee remuneration trusts However the ruling is expected to have limited practical application to listed companies making non-refundable contributions to traditional employee share ...

The Federal Court on information to third parties, legal professional privilege and waiver
Insight 21 May 2014

A recent Federal Court decision highlights the importance of managing the provision of information and documentation to third parties with caution in order to preserve legal professional privilege Partner Richard Harris and Senior Associate Elnaz Nikibin report on the case ...

Emissions Reduction Fund Exposure Draft Legislation Released
Insight 16 May 2014

The Federal Government has released exposure draft legislation for the establishment of its proposed Emissions Reduction Fund Partner Grant Anderson and Lawyer Albert Yu report ...

Material adverse change
Insight 15 May 2014

In a recent decision the New South Wales Supreme Court held that a sufficiently significant failure to meet budget expectations could constitute a material adverse change and upheld the lenders right to serve a default notice and accelerate repayment on this basis Partner Diccon Loxton and Lawyer ...

Government abandons some not-for-profit sector tax reforms
Insight 03 Feb 2014

The Federal Government has announced that it will proceed with only one of the backlog of announced but unlegislated reforms to the taxation of charities and other not-for-profit entities proposed by previous governments Special Counsel Glenys Hodges and Lawyer Scott Lang report on the fate of the ...

Statutory assumptions for lenders dealing with companies - useful but are they limited?
Insight 03 Feb 2014

This Insight examines the use of statutory assumptions under S129 of the Corporations Act by banks and others, in light of a recent decision of the NSWCA. ...

Proposed reforms to create a consistent proportionate liability regime
Insight 31 Jan 2014

In response to concerns about inconsistencies across various state-based jurisdictions and following a public consultation process the Standing Council on Law and Justice has released revised draft model legislation to reform Australias proportionate liability laws Partner Andrea Martignoni and ...
