411-420 of 1133 results

New draft APRA Prudential Standard (CPS 511) set to reshape group-wide remuneration frameworks and incentive arrangements for ADIs, superannuation funds and insurers
Insight 29 Jul 2019

APRA has released a discussion paper on its new prudential standard on remuneration which will have far-reaching implications for variable remuneration structures across all APRA-regulated entities. ...

Class actions and emerging issues
Insight 30 Jul 2019

The nature of Australia's class action landscape has fundamentally changed since the outset of the regimes. ...

ASIC's proposed market integrity rules for technological and operational resilience could impose far-reaching obligations
Insight 23 Jul 2019

The COAG Energy Council Hydrogen Working Group continues its work on the National Hydrogen Strategy, with the release of its issues papers series. The nine papers are a fascinating look at the breadth, depth and interwoven nature of the issues facing hydrogen. ...

Australian investor wins big at ICSID
Insight 24 Jul 2019

At ICSID, Australian's investor wins big. ...

Linklaters Insights: EU change of guard – update on top jobs and next steps
Insight 22 Jul 2019

In the midst of the EU’s institutional reshuffle, new composition of the institutions and new leadership affects their legislative priorities and ultimately shapes the regulatory environment. Linklaters' Brussels team offers a snapshot of where the EU institutions stand with regard to choosing their ...

APRA consults on Hayne recommendation concerning end-to-end product responsibility – the right tool for the job?
Insight 18 Jul 2019

APRA has announced a consultation on a proposal to create a new 'end-to-end product' responsibility within the Banking Executive Accountability Regime (BEAR). ...

Navigating split dispute resolution clauses – where's Google Maps when you need it?
Insight 15 Jul 2019

A recent Supreme Court of Victoria decision sounds a warning to principals and contractors alike – your dispute resolution clause must be clear and unambiguous, because the court will not go out of its way to cure a commercially peculiar, but perfectly workable, clause. ...

Would you like financial services with your social network? Facebook consortium to launch new cryptocurrency
Insight 09 Jul 2019

In a bold new play, a consortium led by social media giant Facebook has announced plans to enter the financial services sector through the launch of a cryptocurrency called Libra. Both a currency and a blockchain backed payment system, the project could have a profound impact on the financial servic ...

Singapore Convention on Mediation: a step towards easier enforcement of international settlements
Insight 11 Jul 2019

On 7 August 2019, the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements resulting from Mediation (the Convention) will be open for signature.  It will come into force six months after three countries have signed, with Singapore expected to be the first State to do so. ...

What you need to know about the draft Equator Principles 4
Insight 11 Jul 2019

This insight explores the potential impact of changes proposed in the consultation draft of Equator Principles 4 which entails a greater focus on climate change, human rights and social risk. ...
