421-430 of 573 results

Painting the full picture: certifiers and financiers in projects
Insight 20 Oct 2015

A recent decision of the UK High Court provides valuable instructions to both financiers and consultants regarding their obligations in monitoring project developments Partners Nick Rudge view CV and David Donnelly view CV and Lawyer Patrick Easton report on the decision in Lloyds Bank plc v McBains ...

New legislation introduces criminal offences for false accounting
Insight 23 Feb 2016

The Federal Government has proposed new legislation that introduces two new criminal offences for false accounting into the Commonwealth Criminal Code The proposed false accounting offences are designed to help Australia comply with the OECDs Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public ...

Penalties: The final word
Insight 27 Jul 2016

The High Court decision in Paciocco v Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, provides welcome clarity on the application of the 'penalties rule' implicating a broad range of sectors. ...

A Commission of Inquiry - of the Royal, not the Parliamentary, kind
Insight 19 Dec 2017

Since the announcement of the Royal Commission into ahem financial services much has been written and said - a lot of which suggests that little attention is being paid to the terms of reference In this article I take a look at those terms ...

The BEAR has dropped, where to from here?
Insight 09 Nov 2017

The commencement date of the BEAR legislation is fast approaching and institutions should start planning how to comply with the regime We look at the changes made to the BEAR legislation following industry submissions the timing for implementation and key steps to take ...

First civil penalty order for breach of FOFA duties
Insight 06 Nov 2017

The Federal Court recently imposed a 1 million civil penalty on a licensee for breaches by its representatives of the best interests and appropriate advice duties The penalties were the same amount that was agreed between ASIC and the licensee The decision is a reminder to financial services ...

ASIC recommends tougher corporate penalties
Insight 24 Oct 2017

The ASIC Enforcement Taskforces latest consultation paper pushes for a tougher penalty regime for corporate and financial sector misconduct which has been key focus of the Taskforces Terms of Reference and indeed of ASICs reform agenda for some time Partner Belinda Thompson Senior Associate Michela ...

Raising capital, raising standards: managing conflicts of interest in sell-side research and corporate advisory
Insight 06 Jul 2017

ASIC continues its mission to enhance the regulation of Australias equity markets with its recent publication of Consultation Paper 290 on managing conflicts of interest when dealing with sell-side research and corporate advisory The proposed amendments will primarily target investment banks and ...

Can super really help housing affordability (and I have not asked should it)?
Insight 07 Jun 2017

The 2017 Budget included proposals intended to reduce pressure on housing affordability Two of them use the superannuation system to do so the First Home Super Saver Scheme and the Reducing Barriers to Downsizing proposal Partner Michelle Levy examines the schemes in more detail ...

2017 Budget: increased scrutiny on competition in the financial system
Insight 07 Jun 2017

The financial services sector has been under scrutiny for some time with many different voices clamouring for further regulation or inquiries in a sector that is already highly regulated The recent Federal Budget included a number of measures focused on the state of competition in the financial ...
