431-440 of 920 results

CDR: What's next?
Insight 10 Sep 2018

The release of the exposure draft of the CDR legislation marks the start of a tight turnaround in order for the legislation to be passed in March 2019 particularly as the details and associated instruments have yet to be released The CDR regime has been advertised as producing a wide range of ...

Allens advises on refinancing of US$3.5bn Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal
News 02 Oct 2018

Allens has advised a syndicate of 22 financiers on the refinancing of the US$2.5 billion senior project financing facilities for the US$3.5 billion Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal ( WICET ) ...

Allens advises on Rio Tinto's US$3.2bn share buy-back
News 24 Sep 2018

Allens has advised Rio Tinto on its disbursement of US$2.08 billion (AU$2.87 billion) of post-tax coal disposal proceeds to shareholders through a share buy-back program. The firm advised on all ...

Allens advises Zenith Energy on Note issue
News 04 Sep 2018

Allens has acted for the Zenith Energy group on its $40 million Subordinated Amortising Fixed Rate Note issue with lead arranger, FIIG Securities Limited (FIIG). The Offer exceeded demand with bond ...

Recent developments in non-executive director remuneration
Insight 22 Aug 2018

Encouraging share ownership by non-executive directors through non-executive director share rights plans is set to increase following a recent ATO class ruling. ...

Report: An update on our predictions for the year ahead across the private equity market
Insight 25 Jul 2018

The first half of 2018 has seen a flurry of public-to-private activity that should continue to keep dealmakers busy for the remainder of the calendar year However the mountain of dry powder competing for limited quality investment opportunities remains an issue that has prompted a diversification in ...

ACCC cartel action against Cryosite is a strong reminder of rules prohibiting 'gun jumping'
Insight 13 Jul 2018

The Federal Court proceeding instituted by the ACCC against Cryosite Limited involving supposed cartel conduct alleging gun jumping in a merger. ...

Allens acts for Healthscope on Asian pathology sale
News 03 Aug 2018

Allens has advised Healthscope Limited, one of Australia's leading private healthcare operators, on the sale of its Asian pathology operations in Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam to funds managed by ...

Competing class actions - a problem in need of a solution
Insight 20 Aug 2018

As fertile ground for class actions the Royal Commission has highlighted an ongoing problem with Australia's class action regime - there is no clear consistent means for resolving competing class actions. ...

Design and distribution of financial products - regulating 'retail product distribution conduct'
Insight 30 Jul 2018

The revised exposure draft Bill concerning design and distribution obligations for issuers and distributors of financial products and new intervention powers for ASIC includes some modest yet mostly welcome changes to the December 2017 exposure draft Senior Regulatory Counsel Michael Mathieson ...
