431-440 of 696 results

Glencore's Newcastle success opens the channel for further access regulation
Insight 01 Jun 2016

Glencore has succeeded in its bid to have the access to the Newcastle shipping channel declared under Australias national access regime The Australian Competition Tribunals decision reversed the acting Treasurers decision and has settled for now the uncertainty about the interpretation of the ...

The Public-Private Partnership Law Review
Insight 18 May 2016

Partners David Donnelly and Nicholas Ng examine public-private partnerships PPPs in Australia including the year in review the general framework bidding and award procedures recent decisions and the outlook for 2015 ...

ACCC successfully appeals air cargo cartel - the widening of 'market in Australia'
Insight 23 Mar 2016

The ACCC has won an appeal in the Full Federal Court in the air cargo cartel case against Air New Zealand and Garuda Those airlines were found to have engaged in price fixing conduct within a market in Australia even though the point of competition was outside the country The case clarifies and ...

The Inverted Bid Model - five key questions in solving it
Insight 18 Mar 2015

Industry Super Australias proposed Inverted Bid Model has generated a lot of interest and discussion At a recent industry symposium participants were invited to explore the model with a view to further refining it for application in the Australian infrastructure market Partner David Donnelly poses ...

New energy certificate exemptions for sellers and landlords
Insight 06 Mar 2015

From 1 July 2015 sellers and landlords will be able to enter into sales and leases which are the result of unsolicited offers or which involve only wholly-owned subsidiaries without the need to first provide a building energy efficiency certificate following amendments to federal legislation Partner ...

South Australian Royal Commission heads developments in uranium sector
Insight 06 Mar 2015

The South Australian Government has released the draft terms of reference for the recently-announced Royal Commission to inquire and report on the potential for South Australia to deepen its involvement in the nuclear fuel cycle Partner Richard Malcolmson Managing Associate Hilary Birks and Senior ...

A boost for NT onshore oil and gas opportunities
Insight 05 Mar 2015

The Northern Territory Government has decided not to impose a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing for its onshore oil and gas industry giving the Territorys onshore oil and gas operators and investors investment certainty at a time that export and domestic opportunities are arising Partner Ben ...

High Court 'moves' unanimously in defining the scope of consideration for tax purposes
Insight 22 Dec 2014

Those involved in property development arrangements or business acquisitions should be aware of the tax implications of the recent High Court decision in Lend Lease Development that has broadened the scope of what forms the consideration for the transfer of dutiable property The High Court found ...

Investigations - ICAC has its wings clipped
Insight 11 Dec 2014

By a two to one majority the NSW Court of Appeal has held that the Independent Commission Against Corruption had no power under the ICAC Act to investigate an allegation to the effect that as a result of conduct involving an alleged intention to pervert the course of justice a public official had ...

Exploring the duty implications of farm-in agreements in Queensland
Insight 09 Dec 2014

The Queensland Government has introduced into Parliament legislation to provide a stamp duty concession for eligible farm-in agreements relating to exploration authorities and transfers of interests in exploration authorities under such farm-in agreements Partner Katrina Parkyn and Associate Jay ...
