451-460 of 1134 results

Allens advises Plenary Schools consortium on refinancing
News 26 Feb 2019

Allens has acted for the consortium since its successful tender for the Project from the Queensland Government in 2013. Over the past five years, the consortium has successfully delivered two ...

Allens bolsters Banking & Finance team with new senior hire
News 26 Feb 2019

David joins as Managing Associate, in what is his first role since returning to Australia from Hong Kong. In the eight years he spent overseas, David worked at Allens' global alliance partner ...

Expanded ban on employer incentives for super - amendment passed in the Senate
Insight 15 Feb 2019

The Senate has passed amendments that will greatly expand the scope of the prohibition on trustees and their associates providing incentives to employers in section 68A of the Superannuation Industry Act 1993 ...

Allens advises Joint Lead Managers on $1.65b hybrid issue by NAB
News 21 Feb 2019

NAB is acting as Arranger and Joint Lead Manager to the Offer. Morgan Stanley, Morgans, Shaw and Partners, UBS and Westpac Institutional Bank are Joint Lead Managers to the Offer. The Offer include ...

Major new corporate and financial sector penalties - what they mean for you
Insight 22 Feb 2019

New legislation that greatly increases penalties for corporate and financial sector misconduct will have wide-ranging and significant effects Partner Alex Mason Managing Associate Chris Kerrigan and Associate Rachele Troup report ...

Hayne report - first impressions
Insight 05 Feb 2019

Commissioner Haynes recommendations may initially seem somewhat modest - they do not undo vertical integration impose limits on executive remuneration or ban bonuses and they do not recommend that directors prefer the interests of their customers But while it is true that the recommendations are not ...

Round 3: Lending Practices to Small and Medium Enterprises
Issues 11 Feb 2019

Throughout the Royal Commission, Commissioner Hayne grappled with the difficulties of striking an appropriate balance between ensuring that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have access to credit, and imposing standards on the provision of that credit to protect SME borrowers and third-party guara ...

Round 6: Insurance
Issues 11 Feb 2019

The sixth round of public hearings considered issues associated with the sale and design of life insurance and general insurance products, the handling of claims under life insurance and general insurance policies, and the administration of life insurance by superannuation trustees. ...

Hayne report – first impressions
Issues 11 Feb 2019

Commissioner Hayne's recommendations may initially seem somewhat modest – they do not undo vertical integration, impose limits on executive remuneration or ban bonuses and they do not recommend that directors prefer the interests of their customers. But, while it is true that the recommendations are not radical, there is much in the report that will mean some real changes for financial services companies, their Boards and their executives, as well as for their regulators and advisers. ...

Detailed analysis
Issues 11 Feb 2019

In the Final Report, the Commissioner has found that, for the most part, whilst the legislative tools necessary to protect borrowers are already available, there have been significant shortcomings ...
