461-470 of 932 results

Australia has lifted certain sanctions on Iran
Insight 18 Feb 2016

In response to recent confirmation that Iran has met its international nuclear commitments the Australian Government has lifted all nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions against that country ...

Strangers no more - Taking action against an insolvent defendant's insurer
Insight 16 Feb 2016

The High Court of Australia has decided that a third party claimant can join an insolvent or potentially insolvent defendants insurer to proceedings to seek a declaration that the insurer is liable to indemnify the defendant Partner Andrew Maher and Lawyer Shelley Drenth discuss the decision and its ...

Recovery of land tax from commercial tenants in pre-30 June 2009 Queensland leases
Insight 13 Aug 2015

The Supreme Court of Queensland has concluded that landlords of pre-30 June 2009 commercial leases in Queensland are entitled to recover land tax from tenants from 30 June 2010, despite earlier legislation which purported to restrict such recovery. ...

New Developer Levies to apply in Victoria
Insight 03 Aug 2015

Legislation has been introduced in Victoria to provide for new standard infrastructure levies to fund local infrastructure such as roads community centres kindergartens maternal and child health facilities local parks and sporting facilities ...

ASIC to seek recovery of investigation costs
Insight 31 Jul 2015

This week ASIC flagged a change in its approach to the exercise of its power to make orders to recover expenses and costs associated with investigations Information Sheet 204 indicates that ASIC will be making greater use of this power to seek recovery of its costs from individuals and companies ...

Judicial review of adjudication determinations - a new expansive approach?
Insight 28 Jul 2015

In a recent decision the Supreme Court of Western Australia quashed two adjudication determinations on the basis of jurisdictional error At the core of the decision was a finding that the adjudicator had misapplied the terms of the relevant construction contract The decision suggests that an ...

There's no such thing as a free lunch (or road): user charges and road pricing
Insight 26 Jun 2015

Whether or not to more broadly adopt a user-pays model for road infrastructure is a contentious debate within Australia A number of industry participants and bodies have shown leadership in framing and enriching the debate while others have sought to politicise or inflame the core issues Partner ...

Support for principals with bank guarantees
Insight 25 Jun 2015

A principal has successfully challenged a decision to grant an interlocutory injunction restraining it from calling on performance bonds ...

VCAT advisory opinion outlines limits on recovery of certain landlord outgoings
Insight 07 May 2015

A recent advisory opinion from the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal outlines certain limits on the maintenance repair and compliance costs that a landlord can recover from tenants under Victorian leases particularly retail premises leases Partner John Beckinsale Special Counsel Christine ...

Linklaters Insights: Legal implications of the Greek debt crisis
Insight 30 Jun 2015

After months of political stalemate in negotiations with its creditors to unlock access to bailout funds the Greek government has announced a referendum on proposed bailout conditions an extended bank holiday and the imposition of capital controls ...
