461-470 of 672 results

Risk management - what, if anything, does the 'three lines of defence' model do?
Insight 05 Nov 2014

From 1 January 2015 a new common risk management prudential standard will apply to banks general insurers and life companies and in many cases to other companies in the corporate groups in which those institutions sit Michael Mathieson looks at the three lines of defence model that APRA proposes to ...

Rethinking Australia's regulatory approach to securitisation
Insight 04 Jun 2014

The Australian securitisation market was arguably more resilient than many during the GFC However certain regulatory and structural features of the Australian securitisation market have hampered its growth and the ability of Australian issuers to tap the full potential of investor demand ...

Sidestepping arbitration clauses - a potentially explosive business!
Insight 28 Jan 2014

The Supreme Court of Western Australia has rejected a wide-ranging attack by a contracting party preferring litigation to arbitration on the operation of an arbitration clause Partner Andrew Maher reports ...

Final piece of privacy reform jigsaw
Insight 28 Jan 2014

In important news for any Australian business that provides goods or services to individuals on deferred payment terms the long-awaited Credit Reporting Privacy Code has been registered Partner Michael Pattison and Senior Associate Matt Vitins report on the implications of the credit reporting ...

Asia Region Funds Passport - what's in store for 2014?
Insight 15 Jan 2014

At the recent APEC conference in Bali the finance ministers of Australia New Zealand Singapore and South Korea signed a formal Statement of Intent on the establishment of the Asia Region Funds Passport which will allow fund managers based in participating countries to market and sell certain managed ...

Emissions Reduction Fund Green Paper released
Insight 10 Jan 2014

The Federal Government has released its Green Paper on the design of the Emissions Reduction Fund Partner Grant Anderson reports on this proposed centrepiece of the Governments Direct Action Plan ...

The latest from the High Court on contractual interpretation
Insight 30 Mar 2017

A recent High Court case which addressed the Codelfa rule did not explicitly resolve the controversy as to its application, however may be seen as a further departure from the 'ambiguity gateway' approach. ...

Report: Class action risk 2016
Insight 19 Aug 2016

Allens have gathered and analysed data which identifies some interesting trends that run counter to some of the typical commentary surrounding class actions in the media. ...

25 years of class actions
Insight 27 Mar 2017

Class action risk is changing A new wave of entrepreneurialism by plaintiff lawyers and litigation funders has substantially changed class action dynamics in recent times The 25th anniversary of the class action regime is a good opportunity to reflect on whether in the light of those and other ...

Contract Law Update 2016
Insight 15 Mar 2017

When is a person bound by their e-signature When does a breach of contract constitute a repudiation of that contract When does an exchange of correspondence give rise to a binding contract What is the latest on penalties These were some of the contract law issues considered by appellate courts ...
