41-50 of 52 results

New environmental responsibilities for corporates, officers, financiers and others in Queensland
Insight 16 Mar 2016

The Queensland Government proposes new powers to compel related bodies corporate executive officers financiers and shareholders and a select category of related persons to satisfy the environmental obligations of companies operating in Queensland The Chain of Responsibility concept has been proposed ...

Insolvent contractors beware: principals can rely upon set-off rights when resisting claims
Insight 29 Apr 2015

The Victorian Supreme Court has provided guidance on set-off rights in the context of insolvency particularly in relation to inconsistency between provisions of the Corporations Act and security of payment legislation Partner Nick Rudge and Lawyer James Waters report ...

Distressed debt M&A - share transfers without a scheme
Insight 17 Feb 2015

The Supreme Court of New South Wales has given further guidance on the scope of its power to grant leave to a deed administrator to compulsorily transfer the shares of a company The decision in the matter of Nexus Energy Ltd subject to deed of company arrangement 2014 NSWSC 1910 confirms that this ...

A class divide? The Boart Longyear creditors' scheme
Insight 29 May 2017

The NSW Court of Appeal has considered whether different groups of secured creditors should be placed into separate classes for the purposes of voting on a proposed creditors scheme of arrangement ...

Ipso facto clauses, safe harbour for directors - our comments on the draft exposure legislation
Insight 10 Apr 2017

The Federal Government has released draft exposure legislation designed to facilitate company reconstructions Senior Finance Counsel Diccon Loxton Senior Associate Alicia Salvo and Associate Frances Navarro-Towan discuss some of the implications and issues ...

When is a trust a commercial necessity?
Insight 10 Mar 2015

The High Court has held that the proceeds of a forestry investment scheme were not held on trust for the investors by the operators of the scheme. ...

Vietnam Legal Update: New Law on Bankruptcy to take effect in January
Insight 22 Dec 2014

Vietnams new Law on Bankruptcy will take effect from 1 January 2015 bringing in a number of changes including a new definition of bankruptcy Partner Robert Fish and Junior Associates Giang Quang Nguyen and Linh Nguyen look at the most significant features of the new law and note what will differ ...

Federal Court rules liquidator needn't account for tax on sale of assets
Insight 21 Oct 2014

The Full Federal Court has held that a liquidator has no obligation to retain monies on account of tax until a notice of assessment has been issued While the decision is a win for taxpayers and creditors of insolvent entities it remains to be seen how the Commissioner of Taxation will respond ...

The end of the PPSA transitional period - what happens now?
Insight 24 Jan 2014

With the end of the transitional period under the personal property securities legislation fast approaching those entities that rely upon having interests in property held by others must act now to ensure those interests are properly registered even where they are transitional so there is no loss of ...

Trends over the past year in the Australian projects and infrastructure sectors
Insight 08 Feb 2017

A substantial pipeline of both private and public infrastructure projects has attracted a variety of local and offshore project finance providers wishing to gain exposure to returns from these attractive Australian investment opportunities Allens Partners Nick Adkins Scott McCoy and Rob Watt look at ...
