501-510 of 920 results

Anti-corruption reforms: a view from the B20 Australia
Insight 25 Jul 2014

Anti-corruption was high on the agenda at the B20 Australia summit recently held in Sydney Allens Partner Rachel Nicolson a director of the UN Global Compact Network Australia and convenor of its Anti-Corruption Leadership Group attended the summit and provides an overview of the issues discussed ...

Running out of time for retirement income reform
Insight 22 Jul 2014

The Government has released a consultation paper on the regulation of retirement income streams It says that the Government wants to encourage the development of more retirement products But this is old news and the paper offers few concrete policy proposals other than in the area of deferred ...

ASIC's (limited) guidance on superannuation fees and costs disclosure
Insight 01 Jul 2014

Today 1 July sees the implementation of changes to the fee and cost disclosure rules for superannuation and managed investment products While a new information sheet from ASIC provides guidance on certain aspects of the new rules superannuation trustees have been left to grapple largely unaided with ...

'Fraud on the market' theory survives challenge in the US
Insight 26 Jun 2014

Perhaps the most important unanswered question in Australian class action law is how causation may be established in the context of a shareholder class action In the United States this issue has been addressed by the fraud on the market theory This week the US Supreme Court rejected a challenge to ...

ASIC on confidential information and briefings
Insight 03 Jun 2014

ASIC recently issued a report on the handling of confidential information by listed entities and their advisers focusing on analyst and investor briefings and unannounced corporate transactions While the report does not identify any systemic issues it does highlight a number of areas of concern ...

China's business regulatory approval reforms - further steps to market liberalisation
Insight 01 Apr 2014

The PRC Government is reforming its corporate regulatory approval processes at an unprecedented rate The changes are aimed at facilitating private sector investment including foreign direct investment in order to move towards a more market-driven economy Over the past four months new regulations ...

CAMAC's 2014 discussion paper on managed investment schemes
Insight 21 Mar 2014

The Corporations and Markets Advisory Committees discussion paper about the establishment and operation of managed investment schemes particularly examines governance disclosure and regulatory issues If the changes are implemented it could profoundly affect these schemes Partners Marc Kemp and Penny ...

Key superannuation reforms deferred to 1 July 2015
Insight 05 May 2014

The Federal Government has today announced that the start date for portfolio holdings disclosure reporting and choice product dashboard requirements will be deferred until 1 July 2015 to allow it further time to consult on the detail of the requirements Partner Geoff Sanders and Lawyer Stephanie ...

The mFund Settlement Service - coming soon
Insight 12 Feb 2014

The ASX has announced that it has now received regulatory clearance for its new mFund Settlement Service previously known as AQUA II and the ASX Managed Funds Service which it hopes will be launched before 30 June 2014 Once established the service will allow investors to transact electronically in ...

Asia Region Funds Passport - what's in store for 2014?
Insight 15 Jan 2014

At the recent APEC conference in Bali the finance ministers of Australia New Zealand Singapore and South Korea signed a formal Statement of Intent on the establishment of the Asia Region Funds Passport which will allow fund managers based in participating countries to market and sell certain managed ...
