521-530 of 582 results

What does 1 July 2014 mean under FoFA?
Insight 04 Jun 2014

For most people working in the financial services industry it would be unwise to let 1 July come and go without asking what will change In 2014 as in 2012 and 2013 1 July is a very significant date under FoFA the Future of Financial Advice ...

PPSA amendments for 'serial numbered goods'
Insight 24 Mar 2014

New legislation will amend the Personal Property Securities Act to remove the provision that deems leases of serial-numbered goods of more than 90 days to be a PPS lease These amendments will primarily benefit businesses in the leasing industry and will have a minimal but positive effect on ...

FoFA Amendment Bill introduced into Parliament
Insight 19 Mar 2014

The Federal Government today introduced a Bill into Parliament to implement its proposed amendments to the Future of Financial Advice legislation There are some significant differences between the Bill as introduced and the earlier exposure draft version released in January The proposed reforms are ...

Innovative Superannuation Income Streams - at last
Insight 21 Mar 2017

Earlier today Treasury released exposure draft regulations for Innovative Superannuation Income Streams They set out income stream standards that will be relevant for products such as deferred annuities and group self-annuitised products The Allens Superannuation team reports ...

Conflicted remuneration and life insurance
Insight 20 Oct 2016

Exposure draft life insurance regulations were released yesterday They are a marked departure from the existing conflicted remuneration provisions Now a benefit can only be conflicted remuneration if it could reasonably be expected to influence financial product advice These regulations will create ...

Local issuers, international format
Insight 31 Aug 2016

At the same time as more international issuers appear to be looking at international programme formats for their Australian dollar issuance so Australian borrowers are contemplating the use of EMTN programmes even for their domestic currency issuance ...

Penalties: The final word
Insight 27 Jul 2016

The High Court decision in Paciocco v Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, provides welcome clarity on the application of the 'penalties rule' implicating a broad range of sectors. ...

Green Renaissance in Australia
Insight 08 Jun 2016

After more than three years of inertia, the Australian renewable energy industry is finally showing signs of a resurgence ...

Personal Property Security regime commences in PNG
Insight 10 May 2016

The commencement of the personal Property Security regime means an important changes to the companies transact business's report in Papua New Guinea. ...

Court accepts market-based causation
Insight 21 Apr 2016

Perhaps the most important unanswered question in Australian class action law has been how causation may be established in a shareholder class action After more than a decade of uncertainty the Supreme Court of NSW has ruled that shareholders can prove causation by establishing that the price of the ...
