561-570 of 582 results

Court accepts market-based causation
Insight 21 Apr 2016

Perhaps the most important unanswered question in Australian class action law has been how causation may be established in a shareholder class action After more than a decade of uncertainty the Supreme Court of NSW has ruled that shareholders can prove causation by establishing that the price of the ...

You've got to be perfected - Equipment leasing and the PPSA
Insight 07 Mar 2016

A recent decision of the Supreme Court of New South Wales has again illustrated the potentially severe consequences for lessors of equipment and other goods under the vesting provisions of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 Cth The lease can be a security interest If the lessors dont perfect ...

The investment chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Insight 14 Dec 2015

The release of the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement has renewed the debate about the ability of foreign investors to sue governments under investor-State dispute settlement mechanisms which are commonly part of international trade agreements or investment treaties between States ...

Life insurance advice remuneration legislation released
Insight 04 Dec 2015

The Government released yesterday an exposure draft of the Corporations Amendment Life Insurance Remuneration Arrangements Bill 2015 The Government says the Bill removes the current exemption in the Corporations Act from the ban on conflicted remuneration for benefits paid in relation to certain ...

UK Supreme Court counters High Court on penalties
Insight 19 Nov 2015

The highest appellate court in the UK has affirmed and restated the penalty rule as it applies in the UK in a recent decision that directly addresses and counters the High Court of Australias approach to the rule in Andrews Partner Nick Rudge and Lawyer Patrick Easton report ...

PPS deregulation measures to take effect
Insight 29 Sep 2015

From 1 October 2015 short-term leases of serial numbered goods will no longer be deemed security interests under the PPSA Businesses should review their current PPS policies and where appropriate implement changes to processes as Partner Karla Fraser and Lawyer Katharine Ward explain ...

AIFMD - the future of marketing to European investors
Insight 31 Jul 2015

The European Securities and Markets Association has published its initial advice and opinion on the functioning of the marketing passport and national private placement regimes since the implementation of AIFMD and the possibility of extending the marketing passport to non-European fund managers ...

ASIC clamps down on SMSF advice
Insight 25 Jul 2015

ASIC has outlined its expectations for financial advice where the client is advised to set up a self-managed superannuation fund ASIC has done so in two publications released yesterday - one deals with the risks associated with SMSFs information sheet 205 and the other with the costs information ...

PPS deregulation measures one step closer
Insight 09 Jul 2015

A long-awaited change designed to reduce the compliance burden for security interests arising from short-term leases of serial numbered goods is one step closer to becoming law Partner Karla Fraser and Law Graduate Katharine Ward report ...

Draft rules published for mandatory central clearing of derivatives and single-sided reporting
Insight 19 Jun 2015

ASIC has published draft rules for mandatory central clearing of certain derivatives while Treasury has published draft regulations that would permit single-sided reporting of Over-the-Counter Derivatives in some situations Partner Tom Highnam and Lawyer David Lewis discuss the implications of these ...
