571-580 of 639 results

On the international stage: Australia and the EU launch cyber security plans
Insight 16 Oct 2017

In recent weeks, both Australia and the EU have unveiled their plans to address cyber security in an era of growing concern and uncertainty. On 13 September 2017, President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, outlined the Union's intentions to intensify their efforts regarding cyber sec ...

New EU rules raise the bar for data security
Insight 16 Oct 2017

The EU General Data Protection Regulation GDPR which will apply from May 2018 includes enhanced data security requirements and obligations to notify regulators and individuals of data breaches A failure to comply with key provisions may lead to a fine of up to euro20 million or 4 per cent of global ...

ASIC Corporate Plan puts cyber resilience high on the agenda
Insight 16 Oct 2017

ASIC's latest Corporate Plan has put cyber resilience high on the agenda ...

How to create a cyber resilient supply chain
Insight 16 Oct 2017

What do the Australian Department of Defence Target Verizon and the Australian Red Cross Blood Service have in common They all suffered massive data breaches linked to a failure in their supply chain These breaches are a good reminder that with so much attention directed at securing your ...

Blockchain and why smart contracts still need smart lawyers
Insight 06 Jul 2016

There has been so much talk about blockchain and distributed ledger technology recently especially in financial services that you might be forgiven for thinking it might be more hype than substance But we think it could be very important technology ...

A new dawn for crowd sourced equity funding?
Insight 05 Feb 2015

CAMAC and the FSI have acknowledged that the current Australian regulatory settings are hostile to crowd sourced equity funding A recently released Treasury Discussion Paper has considered three options for law reform and what each might mean for the development of this innovative form of capital ...

Fighting to protect Fintech innovations
Insight 03 Dec 2014

The growth of financial services technology or Fintech as it is now called has exploded in recent years yet many of its creators dont realise that their innovations are patentable ...

Bank technology failures: A new frontier for regulatory intervention?
Insight 03 Dec 2014

The UKs regulatory authorities have imposed the largest ever fines in Europe for technology failures in the financial services industry following a serious IT incident affecting more than 65 million customers in the UK It should serve as a cautionary tale for Australian financial institutions ...

ASIC seeking feedback on electronic disclosure proposals
Insight 17 Nov 2014

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is seeking feedback on proposals to help facilitate the increased use of electronic means of providing disclosure for financial products and services The proposals include new class order relief to facilitate the increased use of multimedia ...

Big Data v 'personal advice' - an unequal contest?
Insight 05 Nov 2014

There is a contest underway between two heavyweights In one corner of the ring we have Big Data In the other corner we have the definition of personal advice in section 766B3 of the Corporations Act ...
