581-590 of 932 results

ASIC releases paper on collective action by institutional investors
Insight 26 Feb 2015

ASIC has released its consultation paper on collective shareholder actions which calls for feedback on a draft update to Regulatory Guide 128 The consultation paper illustrates ASICs current albeit preliminary views on the tension between fostering increased investor engagement on the one hand and ...

Finality: an important objective of class actions
Insight 12 Feb 2015

The recent Great Southern class action settlement included a term by which group members acknowledged and admitted that loans taken out with independent financiers to finance investments in Great Southern managed investment schemes were valid and enforceable Two separate Victorian Supreme Court ...

Broader reform themes evident in ASIC's forestry schemes submission
Insight 22 Oct 2014

ASICs Senate submission on forestry schemes has emphasised important regulatory reform themes with implications for managed investment schemes and financial services regulation more generally Partner Marc Kemp Consultant Derek Heath and Lawyer Patrick Boyle report ...

The hotel window closes - no vulnerability where a contract exists
Insight 20 Oct 2014

The High Court recently overturned a NSW Court of Appeal decision that stated a building contractor owed a duty of care for pure economic loss for defective work to a successor in title to the developer of commercial premises. ...

New port zone for Geelong, Hastings and Portland
Insight 17 Oct 2014

A new Port Zone has been applied to three major Victorian ports at Geelong Hastings and Portland with announcements that it will make it easier for port operations to expand The Port of Melbourne however is not included in the new zone consistent with the State Governments intention to develop the ...

ASIC proposes changes to fees and costs disclosure
Insight 24 Sep 2014

ASIC has released for industry comment a draft Class Order which would amend the fees and costs disclosure requirements that apply to superannuation and managed investment products The key proposed amendments relate to the way in which indirect costs must be disclosed Senior Associate Simun Soljo ...

Vietnam opens its debt trading market to foreign investors
Insight 01 Sep 2017

Recent years have seen players in the Vietnamese banking sector making extensive efforts to recover non-performing loans or bad debts The Government has issued new regulations to improve the processes for recovering and handling bad debt in Vietnam and has implemented a framework to facilitate the ...

New corporate collective investment vehicle exposure draft legislation released
Insight 25 Aug 2017

The Federal Government today released exposure draft legislation for the new corporate collective investment vehicle one of the two forms of collective investment vehicle that it pledged to develop as part of the 2016-2017 budget Partners Marc Kemp and Charles Armitage and Senior Overseas ...

New PPP guidelines for NSW
Insight 28 Jul 2017

The NSW Government has released updated guidelines that govern the Public Private Partnership (PPP) procurement process in NSW and will provide welcome assistance to both NSW Government agencies and bidding consortiums. ...

Improving accountability and member outcomes in superannuation?
Insight 25 Jul 2017

The Federal Governments proposed new superannuation legislation imposes significant new obligations on RSE licensees and could have a material effect on shareholders The Allens Superannuation team reports on the key changes ...
