581-590 of 605 results

New infrastructure charges, environmental offsets and regional planning regimes commence in Queensland
Insight 17 Jul 2014

New frameworks for infrastructure planning and charging environmental offsets and regulating activities in areas of regional interest have now commenced in Queensland Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling Senior Associate Michael Zissis and Associate Julieane Bull report on how the reforms may affect ...

Changes to infrastructure planning and charging in Queensland
Insight 14 May 2014

A new infrastructure planning and charging framework for Queensland has been proposed by the State Government Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling and Senior Associate Michael Zissis report on the changes to be introduced by the new framework ...

Significant changes to Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal powers
Insight 26 Mar 2014

New legislation will implement significant changes to the administration of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in a bid to improve efficiencies. This insight explores key changes to VCAT's powers in the context of its planning jurisdiction. ...

Update on the new costs rules in the Queensland Planning and Environment Court
Insight 12 Feb 2014

A recent Queensland Planning and Environment Court decision sheds light on the application of the new rules for awarding costs following a trial Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling and Lawyer David Thorpe consider the recent judgment and provide an update regarding the implications for parties to ...

Adjudications under WA's SOPA legislation - enforcement by statutory demands clarified
Insight 24 Jun 2014

The WA Supreme Court has provided important clarification on the enforcement of adjudication determinations by the use of statutory demands under that States security of payment legislation It has confirmed that leave to enforce an adjudication determination as a judgment must be obtained before the ...

High Court affirms governments' power to pass 'draconian' seizure laws
Insight 10 Jun 2014

The High Court recently handed down its decision in Attorney-General NT v Emmerson Partner Peter ODonahoo Senior Associate Tim Maxwell and Lawyer Simone Kaser review the decision with respect to the courts analysis of the limits on Commonwealth and Territory legislative power under the doctrine of ...

Competition policy 'root and branch' review issues paper released
Insight 16 Apr 2014

Following the release of the final terms of reference for the root and branch review of Australias competition law and policy the review panel has released an issues paper and a fact sheet about the review Partner Kon Stellios reports ...

Draft NSW Biodiversity Offsets Policy for Major Projects
Insight 16 Apr 2014

The NSW Government has released a draft Biodiversity Offsets Policy for Major Projects that will apply to the assessment of State Significant Development and State Significant Infrastructure Partner Paul Lalich Senior Associate Trent March and Lawyer Dennis Smith consider the implications of the ...

Asia Pacific international arbitration update
Insight 09 Apr 2014

We look at the inclusion of investor-state arbitration provisions in the recent Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement and the possible inclusion of such provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership a Singapore Court of Appeal decision that means parties challenging the jurisdiction of a tribunal have ...

We want our money back! Excess GST refund rules to change
Insight 04 Apr 2014

After two years three rounds of public consultation and one aborted attempt Federal Parliament looks likely to pass legislation amending the rules governing when the Australian Taxation Office is required to refund excess GST to a taxpayer ...
