51-60 of 98 results

Australia's second shareholder class action judgment
Insight 26 Oct 2020

In the wake of Crowley v Worley Limited, Australia's first two shareholder class action judgments highlight the significant risk that applicants, and the litigation funders that support them, take when pursuing such claims to trial. Neither judgment sounded in any award of damages for shareholders. ...

After the Inquiry: what's next for litigation funders and the class actions industry in Australia?
Insight 14 Aug 2020

We identify the key themes arising from the Inquiry and outline the practical implications of the recently introduced legislation regarding the regulation of litigation funders and the introduction of contingency fees in VIC. ...

Food and beverage law bulletin
Insight 06 Aug 2020

Sugar and alcohol labels under the microscope, including new requirements for alcoholic beverages to display pregnancy labels; minimising regulatory risk regarding misleading conduct on the sale and promotion of food products; COVID-19 and food; and class actions in the sector. ...

Allens' submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services Inquiry into litigation funding and the regulation of the class action industry
Insight 19 Jun 2020

Allens has advocated for reform to the class action regime for many years, including by way of submissions to inquiries conducted by the Australian Law Reform Commission and the Victorian Law Reform Commission. We have made a detailed submission to the current inquiry in which we outline our concerns regarding the increasingly entrepreneurial direction of Australia's class action landscape and advocate for (and against) various reforms. ...

Long overdue – how the new continuous disclosure and litigation funder regulation measures seek to curb entrepreneurial class actions
Insight 28 May 2020

In recent days, the economic uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic has proved the catalyst for the introduction of two long-debated changes to Australia's class action and continuous disclosure regimes. ...

Federal Court refuses to order disclosure of class action respondent's insurance policies
Insight 27 Apr 2020

In contrast to a previous decision, the Federal Court has refused to order the disclosure of the respondent's insurance policies to the applicant in a class action. We explore this decision and also highlight the way in which the court's reasoning differed from a prior decision that found in favour of disclosure. ...

COVID-19 and class action risk – some (early) lessons for Australia from overseas
Insight 16 Apr 2020

As COVID-19 spreads throughout Australia and the world, its impact is being felt across every industry. With the pandemic at a relatively early stage, the virus has disrupted supply chains and shuttered businesses, resulting in record levels of unemployment and unprecedented market volatility. ...

Conducting a consumer-facing business biggest indicator of class action risk
News 06 Mar 2020

According to the report, more than 40% of the class actions filed in 2019 were filed on behalf of consumers. This result is a change from recent years in which being an ASX-listed company was the ...

First shareholder class action judgment
Insight 25 Oct 2019

The Federal Court has handed down the first judgment in a shareholder class action. There is plenty in the decision for board members and senior executives to consider in the application of the continuous disclosure laws. ...

Queensland Supreme Court refuses to order disclosure of class action defendant's insurance policy, providing further guidance on the making of such orders
Insight 16 Oct 2019

The Queensland Supreme Court has refused an application by a class action plaintiff seeking to compel the defendant to disclose its insurance policy and documents relating to its insurance position. In doing so, the court commented on the recent Federal Court decision in the Radio Rentals class action but came to a different result on the facts. This decision shows that when determining whether or not to make an order for disclosure, the court is likely to take into account the defendant's financial capacity, and may be less likely to make such an order where the defendant's solvency is not a concern. ...
