51-60 of 140 results

Allens advises on Rio Tinto's US$3.2bn share buy-back
News 24 Sep 2018

Allens has advised Rio Tinto on its disbursement of US$2.08 billion (AU$2.87 billion) of post-tax coal disposal proceeds to shareholders through a share buy-back program. The firm advised on all ...

Corporate law developments
Insight 11 Sep 2018

Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

Are CCIVS the beginning of the end for the Unit Trust's monopoly?
Insight 19 Sep 2018

The Federal Government has proposed to introduce two new forms of collective investment vehicle – each a shiny, tax-neutral alternative to the unit trust. ...

Recent developments in non-executive director remuneration
Insight 22 Aug 2018

Encouraging share ownership by non-executive directors through non-executive director share rights plans is set to increase following a recent ATO class ruling. ...

Corporate law developments
Insight 08 Aug 2018

Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

Has the ATO tolled the bell for demerger and acquisition scheme structures?
Insight 13 Jul 2018

The Deputy Commissioner of Taxation has formally refused a request from AMA Group Limited for demerger relief in connection with a demerger and acquisition transaction involving private equity firm Blackstone casting doubt on the availability of capital gains and income-tax relief for transactions ...

International Comparative Legal Guide to Project Finance 2018 - Australia
Insight 25 May 2018

Partners Ben Farnsworth and Michael Ryan outline the main trends and significant developments in Australian project finance Among other factors they discuss restrictions on foreign investment bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings tax and political risk in relation to changes in law ...

Long-awaited integrity package on taxation of stapled structures released
Insight 29 Mar 2018

A package of tax measures that seek to address the Federal Governments perceived sustainability and tax integrity risks posed by stapled structures has been announced It also limits certain broader tax concessions currently available to foreign investors so that the potential reach of the measures ...

The end of the unit trust monopoly - tranche 1 of the revised CCIV bill
Insight 15 Jun 2018

On 13 June 2018 the Federal Government released the first tranche of the revised exposure draft legislation for the new corporate collective investment vehicle one of the two forms of collective investment vehicle which it pledged to develop as part of the 2016-2017 budget We are undertaking a ...

Exposure Draft to implement tax integrity package for stapled structures released
Insight 23 May 2018

Treasury has released the first of several tranches of exposure draft legislation to implement the Federal Governments tax integrity package for stapled structures and broader tax concessions currently available to certain foreign investors The draft legislation sets out the requirements that ...
