601-610 of 4168 results

Banks & Financial Institutions
Sectors & Services

Collaborating for economic stability Banks and financial institutions are playing a critical role in stabilising Australia's economy in the midst of global uncertainty – they are providing financial resilience at a time of significant ...

Private Capital
Sectors & Services

Unlocking value with private capital  The pools of private capital continue to grow, reaching further into investment markets. Private capital investors are accessing broader opportunities across a range of sectors, setting the standard on ...

Sectors & Services

The healthcare sector faces both great change and opportunity. Rapid innovation in health technology is creating new ways to assist patients, along with new challenges for regulators and industry participants. Our clients are reimagining ...

Sectors & Services

Globally, companies across sectors operate in a highly competitive environment and face the impact of consolidation, globalisation and increased public and legal scrutiny.  Our clients are responding to these challenges created by ...

Infrastructure & Transport
Sectors & Services

The delivery of quality infrastructure and services remains critical to Australia's economic development. Australia's infrastructure needs are changing under the weight of technological advancement and demographic shifts. As our cities ...

Disputes & Investigations
Sectors & Services

In an environment of increased regulatory scrutiny and litigation risk, it is critical to have systems and processes in place to manage business and conduct risk in your organisation. Should those risks materialise into disputes or ...

Construction & Major Projects
Sectors & Services

More and higher quality infrastructure remains an urgent priority in Australia as the population continues to increase. The industry has a relatively small window in which to deliver nationally significant projects while balancing quality ...

Corporate Crime
Sectors & Services

Allens' commercially focused approach to corporate crime enforcement can help understand not only what the law requires, but also the best practice approaches in investigating, defending proceedings, advocating positions, negotiating with prosecutors and resolving risk. ...

Environment & Planning
Sectors & Services

Developing environment and planning strategies that go beyond just securing the relevant approvals is critical for organisations looking to grow, while upholding their social license to operate. Environment and planning law is based on a ...
