601-610 of 914 results

Running out of time for retirement income reform
Insight 22 Jul 2014

The Government has released a consultation paper on the regulation of retirement income streams It says that the Government wants to encourage the development of more retirement products But this is old news and the paper offers few concrete policy proposals other than in the area of deferred ...

ASIC report on disclosure of fees and costs
Insight 08 Jul 2014

Today ASIC released a report outlining the shortcomings in the disclosure of fees and costs for superannuation and managed investment products While everyone may not like what it says and for some it may be too little too late the more detailed discussion of what the law requires may be helpful ...

ASIC's (limited) guidance on superannuation fees and costs disclosure
Insight 01 Jul 2014

Today 1 July sees the implementation of changes to the fee and cost disclosure rules for superannuation and managed investment products While a new information sheet from ASIC provides guidance on certain aspects of the new rules superannuation trustees have been left to grapple largely unaided with ...

'Fraud on the market' theory survives challenge in the US
Insight 26 Jun 2014

Perhaps the most important unanswered question in Australian class action law is how causation may be established in the context of a shareholder class action In the United States this issue has been addressed by the fraud on the market theory This week the US Supreme Court rejected a challenge to ...

ASIC grants more time to update websites and some relief from fees and costs disclosure
Insight 17 Jun 2014

ASIC issued Class Order 14509 yesterday providing late but welcome breathing space for superannuation trustees to update their websites to disclose executive remuneration and other information The Class Order provides safe harbour timeframes for disclosure And today ASIC has released Information ...

The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Insight 21 Nov 2014

After almost 10 years of negotiations between the nations on 17 November 2014 Prime Minister Abbott and President Xi announced the conclusion of negotiations on the China Australia Free Trade Agreement ChAFTA Once implemented the ChAFTA is expected to significantly reduce import barriers for ...

Foreign pension funds to access reduced withholding tax rate
Insight 10 Nov 2014

Legislation has been introduced into Federal Parliament to allow foreign pension funds to access the managed investment trust withholding tax regime with effect from 1 July 2008 Partner Katrina Parkyn and Associate Scott Lang examine the proposed legislation and its implications for foreign pension ...

ASIC releases paper on collective action by institutional investors
Insight 26 Feb 2015

ASIC has released its consultation paper on collective shareholder actions which calls for feedback on a draft update to Regulatory Guide 128 The consultation paper illustrates ASICs current albeit preliminary views on the tension between fostering increased investor engagement on the one hand and ...

Finality: an important objective of class actions
Insight 12 Feb 2015

The recent Great Southern class action settlement included a term by which group members acknowledged and admitted that loans taken out with independent financiers to finance investments in Great Southern managed investment schemes were valid and enforceable Two separate Victorian Supreme Court ...

Broader reform themes evident in ASIC's forestry schemes submission
Insight 22 Oct 2014

ASICs Senate submission on forestry schemes has emphasised important regulatory reform themes with implications for managed investment schemes and financial services regulation more generally Partner Marc Kemp Consultant Derek Heath and Lawyer Patrick Boyle report ...
