601-605 of 605 results

More certainty for foreign corporations under Alien Tort Claims Act
Insight 28 Jan 2014

Since a landmark decision has narrowed available claims against defendants under the Alien Tort Claims Act for alleged violations of customary international law US courts have sought to clarify exactly what geographical connection is required to justify a claim against corporate defendants Partner ...

The Public-Private Partnership Law Review
Insight 21 Apr 2015

Partners David Donnelly and Nicholas Ng examine public-private partnerships PPPs in Australia including the year in review the general framework bidding and award procedures recent decisions and the outlook for 2015 ...

Proposed disallowance of FoFA 'streamlining' regulation fails
Insight 02 Oct 2014

A motion to disallow the vast majority of the provisions of the Corporations Amendment Streamlining Future of Financial Advice Regulation 2014 has failed Associate Rosie Thomas and Senior Regulatory Counsel Michael Mathieson report ...

A new market for Australian uranium
Insight 07 Oct 2014

The Australian Government has signed an agreement with India for the sale of uranium and has now made the agreement publicly available Partner Richard Malcolmson Senior Associates Emily Gerrard and Anna Vella and Lawyer Jayde Geia report on the agreement and its implications ...

Law reform to improve conditions for investors in Mongolia
Insight 29 Sep 2014

Last week the Mongolian Government released the agenda for the upcoming autumn sitting of parliament The release of the agenda twice annually is always of interest to investors and the autumn 2014 agenda is no exception Partner Igor Bogdanich and Associate Tess Fitzgerald look at what may be of ...
