641-650 of 830 results

OAIC concludes investigation of Australian Red Cross data breach
Insight 05 Sep 2017

OAIC concludes investigation of Australian Red Cross data breach where a one-off human error by a third party provider's employee led to a massive data breach that hit the Australian Red Cross Blood Service ...

Finally - a class action regime for Queensland
Insight 17 Aug 2016

Class actions in Queensland are one step closer with the introduction of proposed new legislation into the Queensland Parliament Partner Michael Ilott Special Counsel Robyn Morrison and Senior Associate Suzie Fraser report ...

New environmental responsibilities for corporates, officers, financiers and others in Queensland
Insight 16 Mar 2016

The Queensland Government proposes new powers to compel related bodies corporate executive officers financiers and shareholders and a select category of related persons to satisfy the environmental obligations of companies operating in Queensland The Chain of Responsibility concept has been proposed ...

Full Court comes down hard on business method patent, but software remains patentable
Insight 21 Dec 2015

In an eagerly awaited appeal decision in emRPL Central v The Commissioner of Patentsem the Full Federal Court has decided that the evidence-gathering method the subject of RPL Centrals innovation patent was a mere scheme abstract idea or business method that did not constitute patentable subject ...

Major overhaul of Australia's foreign investment laws: what's new?
Insight 04 Dec 2015

The new package of legislation overhauling Australias foreign investment laws the first major revision in 40 years commenced on 1 December 2015 While many features of the previous regime have been retained and sometimes re-named there are also a number of significant changes Partners Jeremy Low ...

The ramifications of a Facebook rant
Insight 22 May 2014

The Full Court of the Federal Court recently handed down its decisions on an appeal that highlights the dangers of making unsubstantiated social media comments Partner Miriam Stiel and Lawyer Tracy Lu report on a long-running dispute where the court found personal Facebook posts constituted ...

Seeing red over yellow
Insight 05 May 2014

The difficulty of registering a colour mark or word mark denoting a colour that include issues of market place recognition was highlighted by a recent set of appeals revolving around the use of the word Yellow in a tussle between various business directory goods and service providers Partner Sarah ...

Unitranche financing in the Australian market
Insight 04 Dec 2017

As regulatory and political pressure increases on the major banks in Australia alternative credit providers are entering the market with a variety of products to attract borrowers The unitranche loan is an example of one such product Partner Warwick Newell Senior Overseas Practitioner Alex Tonkin ...

ASIC publishes draft funds management guidance
Insight 27 Oct 2017

ASIC has released draft updates to four existing Regulatory Guides and drafts of two new Regulatory Guides for managed investment schemes corporate collective investment vehicles and passport funds and announced a consultation period which will run until 8 December Partners Marc Kemp and Penny ...

Multisource financing: Making multiple options work
Insight 19 Oct 2017

In an environment where Australian issuers especially from the infrastructure sector are actively seeking diversified funding options two Allens Partners - James Darcy and Scott McCoy - discuss the key structuring considerations for issuers and sponsors wishing to establish debt platforms to access ...
