661-670 of 830 results

Agency arrangements alright - ANZ and Flight Centre succeed in appeals
Insight 31 Jul 2015

The Full Federal Court today handed down its decisions in two high-profile appeals in relation to ANZ and Flight Centre Both cases dealt with the issue of distribution arrangements and price fixing Partner Carolyn Oddie and Associate Theodore Souris look at the implications for business ...

AIFMD - the future of marketing to European investors
Insight 31 Jul 2015

The European Securities and Markets Association has published its initial advice and opinion on the functioning of the marketing passport and national private placement regimes since the implementation of AIFMD and the possibility of extending the marketing passport to non-European fund managers ...

Fact sheet: Growing your team: working with interns in your startup
Insight 28 Jul 2015

Many startups look to grow their team by engaging interns work experience students and other unpaid workers ...

ASIC clamps down on SMSF advice
Insight 25 Jul 2015

ASIC has outlined its expectations for financial advice where the client is advised to set up a self-managed superannuation fund ASIC has done so in two publications released yesterday - one deals with the risks associated with SMSFs information sheet 205 and the other with the costs information ...

PPS deregulation measures one step closer
Insight 09 Jul 2015

A long-awaited change designed to reduce the compliance burden for security interests arising from short-term leases of serial numbered goods is one step closer to becoming law Partner Karla Fraser and Law Graduate Katharine Ward report ...

Draft rules published for mandatory central clearing of derivatives and single-sided reporting
Insight 19 Jun 2015

ASIC has published draft rules for mandatory central clearing of certain derivatives while Treasury has published draft regulations that would permit single-sided reporting of Over-the-Counter Derivatives in some situations Partner Tom Highnam and Lawyer David Lewis discuss the implications of these ...

Federal Budget 2015: Start-ups in the spotlight
Insight 13 May 2015

With a 55 billion Jobs and Small Business Package Treasurer Joe Hockey placed start-ups and small businesses front-and-centre of the Australian Federal Governmentrsquos 2015-16 BudgetnbspPartner Gavin Smith Senior Associates Valeska Bloch and Shaun Cartoon and Associate Tom Griffin look at the key ...

Funding a Fund: The growth of the capital call facility
Insight 25 May 2015

The Australian corporate debt market is primed for growth, with an increase in the number of funds providing direct lending as an alternative source of financing to the traditional lending dominated by domestic banks. ...

Australia's new Multinational Anti-avoidance Law moves ahead of OECD consensus
Insight 14 May 2015

The Government has announced as part of the Budget that it will introduce a new multinational anti-avoidance law into Part IVA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 The new law will apply to tax benefits obtained on or after 1 January 2016 It is aimed at 30 identified multinationals with Australian ...

GST on offshore services and intangible supplies
Insight 14 May 2015

GST is to be applied to the supply of services and other intangibles by non-residents to Australian consumers under legislation proposed to apply from 1 July 2017 This will include the supply of digital products and the supply of other services The liability for GST on such supplies made through an ...
