661-670 of 696 results

We want our money back! Excess GST refund rules to change
Insight 04 Apr 2014

After two years three rounds of public consultation and one aborted attempt Federal Parliament looks likely to pass legislation amending the rules governing when the Australian Taxation Office is required to refund excess GST to a taxpayer ...

It's crunch time! Changes to the Franchising Code are nigh
Insight 04 Apr 2014

The long-anticipated changes to the Franchising Code of Conduct are scheduled to take effect on 1 January 2015 Partners Tim Golder and Andrew Wiseman and Lawyer Nadia Guadagno report on the significant changes ...

Productivity Commission report into superannuation system bodes well for the future
Insight 06 Sep 2016

At first glance the recent Productivity Commission Draft Report on How to Assess the Competitiveness and Efficiency of the Superannuation System August 2016 could be dismissed as nothing more than a procedural step along the road to the ultimate goal as recommended by the FSI of developing an ...

Transparency and Accountability - and not just for Wall Street
Insight 07 Mar 2016

The regulatory law repercussions of the GFC remain endlessly fascinating As an example take the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010 It runs to 848 pages Title VII addresses perhaps optimistically Wall Street Transparency and Accountability My favourite provision is section ...

Would you like best interests with that? Conflicted remuneration, American style
Insight 07 Mar 2016

Last month we were fortunate enough to host Barney Frank co-architect of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010 to discuss financial regulation reform Coincidentally a couple of weeks later we were treated to a presentation on US financial regulation reforms by a US ...

Proposed disallowance of FoFA 'streamlining' regulation fails
Insight 02 Oct 2014

A motion to disallow the vast majority of the provisions of the Corporations Amendment Streamlining Future of Financial Advice Regulation 2014 has failed Associate Rosie Thomas and Senior Regulatory Counsel Michael Mathieson report ...

Senate report card on ASIC
Insight 30 Jun 2014

While the media has focused on the more sensational recommendations of last weeks Senate report on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission there are a number of other interesting comments and themes that provide some clues about future regulation by the Federal Government surveillance ...

PPSA amendments for 'serial numbered goods'
Insight 24 Mar 2014

New legislation will amend the Personal Property Securities Act to remove the provision that deems leases of serial-numbered goods of more than 90 days to be a PPS lease These amendments will primarily benefit businesses in the leasing industry and will have a minimal but positive effect on ...

Allens advises beverage consortium on NSW container deposit scheme
News 01 Aug 2017

Allens has advised Exchange for Change , a consortium of five leading beverage companies, on its successful bid for the role of scheme coordinator in the New South Wales Government's container ...

Allens tops deal value in Australasia
News 10 Jul 2017

Allens has been ranked number one for deal value in Australasia in the Mergermarket M&A league tables for the first half of 2017. Allens acted on transactions with a value of more than US$20.5 ...
