671-680 of 704 results for 'consumer data right'

Big Batteries are now 'premises': NSW Land Registry Services
Insight 10 Jul 2023

The NSW Land Registry Services (NSWLRS) is expected to release updated guidance regarding the registration of leases for Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) in New South Wales. In this Insight, we outline the change and explore its benefits, as well as offer a comparison to the position in other Australian states. ...

ALRC's class action report - a 'canary in the coal-mine'?
Insight 30 Jan 2019

The Australian Law Reform Commission has released its much-anticipated final report on class actions and litigation funding which makes a broad range of recommendations intended to bring the modern class action landscape back into line with the regimes original objectives Partners Jenny Campbell and ...

Nucleus corporate law developments: rapid legal and regulatory responses to COVID-19 continue; ASX updates temporary COVID-19 class waivers and issues guidance on cancelling dividends; ACCC develops code of conduct for digital platforms and media companies; interim Home Loan Pricing Inquiry report released; and other corporate law developments
Insight 07 May 2020

Rapid legal and regulatory responses to COVID-19 continue; ASIC shifts regulatory and enforcement focus; ASX updates temporary COVID-19 class waivers and issues guidance on cancelling dividends; FIRB releases new compliance-related guidance notes; ACCC develops code of conduct for digital platforms and media companies and releases interim Home Loan Pricing Inquiry report; and temporary amendments made to Fair Work Act and modern awards. ...

Class actions and emerging issues
Insight 30 Jul 2019

The nature of Australia's class action landscape has fundamentally changed since the outset of the regimes. ...

The changing landscape of international investment agreements
Insight 03 Mar 2015

A recent United Nations Conference on Trade and Development report identifies recent trends in international investment agreements and investor-state dispute settlement - among them a rise in the integration of sustainable development objectives including via more careful regulation by states of ...

A new enforcement landscape for Australian corporations in 2019 and beyond
Insight 10 Dec 2018

The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking Superannuation and Financial Services Industry Interim Report and a raft of announcements at the federal level over the past 12 months point clearly to a more robust enforcement environment for corporate Australia in 2019 and beyond Partner Paul ...

Big batteries – charging up for 2022
Insight 24 Feb 2022

With ARENA's recently announced Large Scale Battery Storage Funding Round and the implementation of targeted regulatory reform on the horizon, investment in big batteries is expected to boom. In this Insight, we look at recent policy and regulatory developments, and highlight some of the key trends we are seeing in the big batteries space. ...

Report: Class action risk 2016
Insight 19 Aug 2016

Allens have gathered and analysed data which identifies some interesting trends that run counter to some of the typical commentary surrounding class actions in the media. ...

Final report from the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services Inquiry into litigation funding and the regulation of the class action industry
Insight 23 Dec 2020

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (the Committee) has completed its inquiry into litigation funding and the regulation of the class action industry and released its much-anticipated final report earlier this week. ...

Diversity and inclusion in the boardroom and beyond
Insight 24 Nov 2022

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) continues to be an important ESG consideration for companies. In this Insight, we cover some of the key Australian and international D&I-related legal, regulatory and commercial developments. ...
