61-70 of 605 results

Next step in delivering the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan
Insight 29 Jun 2023

Following the release of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan in September 2022, the Queensland Government has revealed draft legislation—the Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023 (Qld). This Insight explores the Draft Bill and identifies key details still to be provided. ...

The DBP Act duty of care – and what's next
Insight 22 Jun 2023

In this Insight, we explain the current duty of care regime and what to look out for in the future. ...

Allens advises GIP on investment in Perdaman Karratha Urea Project
News 01 Jun 2023

The greenfield Project, to be developed near Karratha in Western Australia, will be one of the largest urea plants globally and will use the latest and most efficient technology to produce urea at ...

Federal Budget 2023–24: five key takeaways for general counsel
Insight 17 May 2023

Here is our take on the essential issues for General Counsel arising from the Federal Budget (Budget) 2023-24. ...

Allens tops Q1 infrastructure league tables
News 14 Apr 2023

'2023 is shaping up to be a big year for infrastructure, particularly with regard to generation and transmission assets to support the energy transition. We've been fortunate to kick off the year ...

Security of payment: contractor insolvency and debt recovery in NSW
Insight 16 Mar 2023

The recently introduced section 32B of the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW) (the Act) prevents companies in liquidation from either serving or taking action to enforce a payment claim made under the Act. ...

Federal Court confirms the objective test in assessing apprehended bias by the former Prime Minister
Insight 06 Mar 2023

With the consent of the parties, the Federal Court has quashed the decision of the then Prime Minister Scott Morrison to refuse to extend Asset Energy's petroleum exploration permit, as his decision could be apprehended to have been predetermination following his overt public stance against the proj ...

Navigating the big issues of 2023
Insight 06 Mar 2023

During the recent webinar: 'Navigating the key issues of 2023', the team identified and discussed key issues facing both the Australian economy and policymakers in 2023. ...

Allens advises ConnectEast on EastLink Tollway refinancing
News 14 Feb 2023

Comprising a combination of short-medium term bank debt and long dated 10 year institutional term loan debt with bank and non-bank institutions, the refinancing debt was successfully raised against ...
