61-70 of 120 results

CIPRs - some interesting findings
Insight 05 May 2017

We recently hosted some workshops in Sydney and Melbourne to discuss the proposed CIPR framework The outcomes of those workshops were interesting - in some respects surprising - and this article provides a brief report ...

Consumer protection in the banking, insurance and financial sector
Insight 10 Mar 2017

The Senate Economics References Committee is conducting an inquiry into the regulatory framework for the protection of consumers in the banking insurance and financial services sector ...

Product design and distribution rules
Insight 13 Dec 2016

On 13 December 2016 Treasury released a paper seeking feedback on the proposed financial product design and distribution obligations and proposed product intervention powers for ASIC The proposals are intended to create new accountability obligations for product issuers and distributors On one view ...

Life insurance, conflicted remuneration and commissions
Insight 03 Nov 2016

The Bill to amend the conflicted remuneration provisions in the Corporations Act for life insurance has been introduced into Parliament a second time and draft regulations have been released for comment However we struggle to know how to describe them because the changes seem to have conflicting ...

Practical pitfalls and the sacrosanct limitation of liability clause
Insight 07 Oct 2016

Commercial trusts could not operate without limitation of liability clauses however getting a limitation of liability clause just right is very challenging ...

Post-election policy recap
Insight 09 Aug 2016

As the dust settles following the recent federal election it is a good time to reflect on what we can expect from the re-elected Coalition Government for the financial services sector There are two main groups of policy proposals that are going to need to get through Parliament The first is the ...

AMITs are here (at last)
Insight 02 Jun 2016

It has taken a while but out of the dust of an early Federal Budget and double-dissolution election announcement a new tax attribution regime for Attribution Managed Investment Trusts has emerged relatively intact While the AMIT regime should generally be welcomed as a positive thing for MITs in ...

ASIC's guidance on conflicts in vertically integrated funds-management businesses
Insight 24 Mar 2016

ASIC has released a report looking at the way vertically integrated funds management businesses deal with conflicts of interest The report summarises the findings of ASICs recent review of a number of businesses and sets out some good practice recommendations Partner Marc Kemp and Senior Associate ...

Utmost good faith, life insurance and ASIC
Insight 05 Apr 2016

The judgment of Lord Mansfield in Carter v Boehm in 1766 is frequently cited as establishing the principle that parties to an insurance contract owe each other duties of utmost good faith. ...

Dodd Frank - promoting financial stability and other purposes
Insight 07 Mar 2016

The Dodd Frank Act is a bit like the US financial system it is trying to regulate - vast complex and hard to wade through It creates a bunch of new regulators on top of what was already a pretty solid cast and gives them wide-ranging powers They can not only set capital and liquidity requirements ...
