61-70 of 95 results

Special Report: Understanding the opportunities and navigating the legal frameworks of distributed ledger technology and blockchain
Insight 17 Jun 2016

Authored by a multidisciplinary team from Allens Blockchain Reaction is designed to assist business stakeholders decision makers and in-house counsel across a variety of sectors to understand the technology and how it is being used as well as navigate the regulatory and legal opportunities and ...

Australia and Singapore enter into Comprehensive Strategic Partnership
Insight 17 May 2016

The Australian and Singaporean governments have recently concluded discussions on a landmark agreement that will see the two countries cooperating across a range of strategic initiatives including in the areas of trade and economics innovation education people and defence The Comprehensive Strategic ...

Fact sheet: Crowd-sourced equity funding - can you access it?
Insight 06 Oct 2015

The new Turnbull Cabinet has made clear its intention to support innovation so that Australia can have a thriving economy The Treasury has already done some work in this area releasing a consultation paper on crowd-sourcing equity funding CSEF for startups and small business ...

Website-blocking injunctions to prevent online piracy
Insight 14 Apr 2015

In an effort to reduce the rate of online copyright infringement the Australian Government has introduced a Bill that will allow copyright owners to apply for an injunction requiring internet service providers to take steps to block piracy websites from their users Senior Associate Jonathan ...

Government rejigs electronic health records system with opt-out approach
Insight 21 Oct 2015

The Federal Governments electronic health records system may have a new lease on life following the introduction of a new Bill that attempts to improve the systems effectiveness with key changes such as the transition to an opt-out approach Partner Ian McGill Senior Associate Phil OSullivan and ...

The Australian Cyber Security Centre's 2017 Threat Report
Insight 22 Jan 2018

The Australian Cyber Security Centre's 2017 Threat Report addresses the current challenges and emerging trends confronting Australia's digital landscape. ...

How to create a cyber resilient supply chain
Insight 16 Oct 2017

What do the Australian Department of Defence Target Verizon and the Australian Red Cross Blood Service have in common They all suffered massive data breaches linked to a failure in their supply chain These breaches are a good reminder that with so much attention directed at securing your ...

Blockchain and why smart contracts still need smart lawyers
Insight 06 Jul 2016

There has been so much talk about blockchain and distributed ledger technology recently especially in financial services that you might be forgiven for thinking it might be more hype than substance But we think it could be very important technology ...

ASIC releases consultation paper on regulatory sandbox exemption for startups
Insight 09 Jun 2016

ASIC has released a consultation paper on proposals to facilitate innovation in the financial services sector The proposals include details of the long-awaited regulatory sandbox It will be of interest to both emerging companies who may rely on the relief as well as investors in this space Senior ...
