691-700 of 914 results

Registered schemes' constitution
Insight 03 Jun 2016

ASIC has said it will grant relief to assist responsible entities RE of registered schemes to make changes to their constitutions to qualify for the new attribution managed investment trust or AMIT regime without holding a unitholders meeting Partner Marc Kemp and Law Graduate Antonia Ross review ...

Getting The Deal Through: Market Intelligence - Project Finance
Insight 03 Jun 2016

Allens Partners Phillip Cornwell Michael Ryan and Ben Farnsworth were part of the global panel analysing the project finance market including key economies regional analysis and PPPs In Getting the Deal Throughs second annual issue focusing on the global project finance markets Phillip Michael and ...

The Public-Private Partnership Law Review
Insight 18 May 2016

Partners David Donnelly and Nicholas Ng examine public-private partnerships PPPs in Australia including the year in review the general framework bidding and award procedures recent decisions and the outlook for 2015 ...

Australia's foreign investment regime - regulatory burden reduced
Insight 03 Jul 2017

Significant changes to Australias foreign investment regime came into effect on 1 July 2017 intended to address concerns regarding this regime raised since its introduction in December 2015 The amendments reduce the regulatory burden in a number of key ways and will impact a range of foreign ...

Amendments to PPS lease law - what you need to know
Insight 22 May 2017

This Insight considers the effect of amendments to the Personal Property Securities regime, which are designed to reduce the PPSAs impact on the equipment hiring industry. ...

Forge-ing ahead - the treatment of fixtures under the PPSA
Insight 21 Feb 2017

Under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth), the Court of Appeal have confirmed that 'fixtures' are to be understood in the same way as at general law and the same common law test applies to determining whether goods affixed to land have become fixtures. ...

Special Report: Understanding the opportunities and navigating the legal frameworks of distributed ledger technology and blockchain
Insight 17 Jun 2016

Authored by a multidisciplinary team from Allens Blockchain Reaction is designed to assist business stakeholders decision makers and in-house counsel across a variety of sectors to understand the technology and how it is being used as well as navigate the regulatory and legal opportunities and ...

Australia and Singapore enter into Comprehensive Strategic Partnership
Insight 17 May 2016

The Australian and Singaporean governments have recently concluded discussions on a landmark agreement that will see the two countries cooperating across a range of strategic initiatives including in the areas of trade and economics innovation education people and defence The Comprehensive Strategic ...

'Chain of Responsibility' amendments impose new environmental obligations in Queensland
Insight 28 Apr 2016

The Queensland Parliament has passed the Chain of Responsibility Bill with important amendments prior to enactment The amending Act establishes a new regime under the States primary environmental legislation that exposes related bodies corporate executive officers financiers shareholders and a ...

The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Insight 21 Nov 2014

After almost 10 years of negotiations between the nations on 17 November 2014 Prime Minister Abbott and President Xi announced the conclusion of negotiations on the China Australia Free Trade Agreement ChAFTA Once implemented the ChAFTA is expected to significantly reduce import barriers for ...
