741-750 of 1018 results

Risk management - what, if anything, does the 'three lines of defence' model do?
Insight 05 Nov 2014

From 1 January 2015 a new common risk management prudential standard will apply to banks general insurers and life companies and in many cases to other companies in the corporate groups in which those institutions sit Michael Mathieson looks at the three lines of defence model that APRA proposes to ...

Some facts (and myths) about ASIC and product intervention powers
Insight 01 Oct 2014

The closer you look at the recent discussion about product intervention powers for ASIC the clearer it becomes that the discussion has little basis in fact ...

Murray in a muddle over retirement incomes
Insight 01 Oct 2014

A close reading of the retirement incomes chapter in the interim report of the Financial System Inquiry reveals a series of paradoxes ...

Allens' second-round submission to the FSI: the nature and quality of financial services regulation
Insight 02 Sep 2014

On 26 August we lodged our submission in response to the Financial System Inquirys FSI Interim Report ...

ASIC's enforcement decisions - is litigation the most effective deterrent?
Insight 02 Sep 2014

We have previously reported on ASICs submission to the Financial System Inquiry FSI and in particular its assertion that it needs a broader range of more onerous financial penalties in order to punish and deter corporate wrongdoing ASIC made similar submissions to the recent inquiry by the Senate ...

Retirement phase of superannuation
Insight 08 Aug 2014

The Financial System Inquirys interim report has identified the retirement phase of superannuation as a priority issue that requires change If the Federal Government decides to implement various policy options to encourage the development of more suitable products it could result in significant ...

Preparing a target market determination for a financial product
Insight 21 Mar 2018

As the design and distribution obligations for issuers and distributors of financial products inch closer there is a good deal of hand-wringing taking place Much of it concerns what a target market determination should look like Guidance from the European Securities and Markets Authority on MiFID II ...

Superannuation reform - the year ahead in 2018
Insight 20 Feb 2018

2017 was a busy year in superannuation The Allens superannuation team takes stock of the legislative and regulatory reform proposals that have been mooted for 2018 and gazes into the crystal ball to see what might lie ahead this year ...

Financial advice - vertically integrated institutions and conflicts of interest
Insight 25 Jan 2018

ASIC has released its report on financial advice provided by vertically integrated institutions which is likely to be read with great interest by Commissioner Hayne and his team Senior Regulatory Counsel Michael Mathieson and Partner Michelle Levy report ...

Spotlight: (almost) everything you need to know about ransomware
Insight 22 Jan 2018

Almost half of all companies experienced at least one cyber ransom incident in 2016 - either a ransomware attack or a ransom denial-of-service attack That same year ransomware attacks cost businesses more than US1 billion worldwide1 a figure expected to reach US5 billion in 2017 and exceed US115 ...
