751-760 of 4168 results

Class action risk returning to previous heights

Webinar: [Class action risk returning to previous heights ...

Construction law year in review and year ahead

Webinar: Construction law year in review and year ahead ...

The M&A Conference 2023

Webinar: The M&A Conference 2023 ...

2023 retail webinar: exploring trends and emerging legal risks

Webinar: 2023 retail webinar: exploring trends and emerging legal risks ...

Mastering IP opportunities and risks in the age of AI

Webinar: Mastering IP opportunities and risks in the age of AI ...

Meet our newest partners 2023

Our newest partners are joining a 200-year history of innovation, excellence and collaboration. Coming to the law from diverse backgrounds, they are strategic advisers to our clients, mentors to our people and advocates for our communities. Meet the next generation of Allens partners shaping the future. ...

This is Allens: Dominic Anderson

It's the evolving nature of the work in the technology space that draws me in. I'm very interested in where society is going and how technology will enable and change that. My day-to-day work is constantly evolving. It sounds clichéd, but ...

This is Allens: Tarsha Gavin

I don't think there was a particular moment that made me decide to pursue a career in law. While I didn't have much exposure to law through my family or networks growing up, I really enjoyed studying it at university and decided to apply ...

This is Allens: Kenneth Imako

My father was a doctor practising in various places in PNG and I grew up feeling an expectation that I might follow in his footsteps. While the sciences really interested me through high school, my (argumentative) personality drew me ...
