761-770 of 830 results

Allens Accelerate: FAQs: Shareholders agreements
Insight 15 Jun 2016

Together with your companys constitution a shareholders agreement provides the foundation for the corporate governance of your startup and outlines what a shareholder can and cant do It also sets out the shareholders rights and obligations and their role in the management of the company ...

Green Renaissance in Australia
Insight 08 Jun 2016

After more than three years of inertia, the Australian renewable energy industry is finally showing signs of a resurgence ...

Allens Accelerate: Preparing for investment
Insight 08 Jun 2016

As a startup looking to raise capital youll most likely spend a fair bit of time thinking about your pitch to potential investors and if youre lucky the terms of any investment ...

Personal Property Security regime commences in PNG
Insight 10 May 2016

The commencement of the personal Property Security regime means an important changes to the companies transact business's report in Papua New Guinea. ...

Workplace Relations
Insight 05 May 2016

Workplace Relations: We look at an adverse action case; why a redundancy doesn't constitute a termination; the importance of a consistent process to deal with workplace bullying; the fairness of a dismissal for failing workplace drug tests; and preventing an employee going to work with a competitor ...

Court accepts market-based causation
Insight 21 Apr 2016

Perhaps the most important unanswered question in Australian class action law has been how causation may be established in a shareholder class action After more than a decade of uncertainty the Supreme Court of NSW has ruled that shareholders can prove causation by establishing that the price of the ...

Media ownership reform back in the spotlight
Insight 08 Mar 2016

The Federal Government has introduced a narrow package of media ownership reform which if enacted will reduce the restrictions imposed by the Broadcasting Services Act on the ownership of media assets across platforms and market ...

You've got to be perfected - Equipment leasing and the PPSA
Insight 07 Mar 2016

A recent decision of the Supreme Court of New South Wales has again illustrated the potentially severe consequences for lessors of equipment and other goods under the vesting provisions of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 Cth The lease can be a security interest If the lessors dont perfect ...

The investment chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Insight 14 Dec 2015

The release of the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement has renewed the debate about the ability of foreign investors to sue governments under investor-State dispute settlement mechanisms which are commonly part of international trade agreements or investment treaties between States ...

UK Supreme Court counters High Court on penalties
Insight 19 Nov 2015

The highest appellate court in the UK has affirmed and restated the penalty rule as it applies in the UK in a recent decision that directly addresses and counters the High Court of Australias approach to the rule in Andrews Partner Nick Rudge and Lawyer Patrick Easton report ...
